The Minister for Education, Hon Jo Palmer, has today announced a review of education in Tasmania.

The announcement recognises that there is a need to improve educational outcomes in Tasmania.  It will help us to determine where we need to best put our efforts so that all of our children and young people will have the bright lives and positive futures that they deserve. 

The Government has appointed experienced and well-respected educator, Ms Vicki Baylis to lead this targeted work. 

Ms Baylis’ career spans over 40 years in education in both Queensland and the Northern Territory. 

During Ms Baylis’ tenure in the Northern Territory, there was a significant and sustained increase in student participation, progression, and achievement – particularly for marginalised and Indigenous learners. Her expertise is in the practical and pragmatic implementation of evidence-based approaches at scale that grow system wide and systemic improvement. 

Ms Baylis will consider Tasmania’s demographic profile, socio-economic characteristics, and the relationship of all levels of education, as well as learning from other jurisdictions.

The time-limited Review will be future-focused, with the intent of further improving Tasmania’s education system, including literacy and numeracy outcomes over the next decade.

The Review will be completed, and a Report provided to Government by the end of 2024.