Key information
- Your complaint could be about a decision we’ve made, staff behaviour, or the support or care we’ve provided.
- Young people in detention can make a complaint to any staff member (for example, their Youth Worker), fill out a complaint form or talk to the Advocate for Young People in Detention.
- To make a complaint on behalf of a young person in detention, contact the Centre Manager.
- Complaints about community youth justice can be made to the Client Liaison Officer.
- If your concern is in relation to the conduct of a worker within our Department that relates to child abuse, DECYP will also pass the details of your concern on to the Office of the Independent Regulator (further information is available here – About | Office of the Independent Regulator (
- If you wish, you can report your concern directly to the Office of the Independent Regulator (Report a concern | Office of the Independent Regulator (
How to make a formal complaint as a young person
A young person in detention can make a complaint by completing a complaint form and putting it in one of the lock boxes in the detention centre. Young people are encouraged to talk to the Advocate for Young People in Detention if they have any concerns or want help to make a complaint.
As a young person you can choose who the complaint is sent to:
- Centre Manager
- Secretary
- Ombudsman
Making a formal complaint on behalf of a young person
If you are making a complaint on behalf of a young person in detention or about custodial youth justice, please contact the Centre Manager or our department’s Youth Justice Complaints help team:
Centre Manager
- phone: (03) 6362 2311
- email:
- mail: Centre Manager, 4260 Meander Valley Road, Deloraine, TAS 7304
Youth Justice Complaints help team:
- phone: 1800 075 268
- email:
- mail: Youth Justice Complaints help team, GPO Box 169, Hobart, TAS, 7001
Complaints about community youth justice
If you have a complaint about community youth justice, please contact the Client Liaison Officer:
Community Youth Justice Team Leader or Manager
- phone: 1300 737 639
You can also contact our department’s Youth Justice Complaints help team:
- phone: 1800 075 268
- email:
- mail: Youth Justice Complaints help team, GPO Box 169, Hobart, TAS, 7001
What to include in your complaint
If you make a complaint in writing, please provide as much information as possible. This includes:
- details of who was involved
- date it happened
- attach any documents you have to support your complaint
- describe what would you like to see happen to resolve your concerns
- include your contact details.
Your complaint will be treated confidentially.
Review of a complaint decision and outcome
If you’re not fully satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can ask for it to be reviewed by the Ombudsman:
- phone: 1800 001 170
- email:
- post: GPO Box 960, Hobart, Tasmania 7001.