We are here to help you get the information you need. You can contact the business or service area contacts listed below or contact the general enquiries line and we will help you find the correct area.

General enquiries

For all general enquiries to the Department for Education, Children and Young People, please phone or email the below details:

Business hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

Postal address

GPO Box 169
Hobart Tas 7001

Deaf, hearing-impaired or speech-impaired customers

Contact us through the National Relay Service or email ServiceCentre@decyp.tas.gov.au

Contact us at marketing@decyp.tas.gov.au, if you need a particular piece of content in another accessible format.

Help with translation

You can translate this website into other languages. Visit our Website Accessibility and Translation page for assistance.

If you need further help to translate or interpret information, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) by phoning 131 450.

Business and service area contacts

Advice and Referral Line – Strong Families Safe Kids

To have a conversation about your concerns for the safety or wellbeing of a child, contact the Strong Families, Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line on 1800 000 123. 

Visit the Strong Families, Safe Kids website to access the online reporting form and further information.

Adoptions in Tasmania

Find out about services and support available for people considering placing their child for adoption, looking to adopt, were involved in adoptions or were once in State care.

Email: adoption.service@decyp.tas.gov.au 
Phone: (03) 6166 0422 
Street Address: Lower Woodhouse Building, St Johns Park, New Town TAS 7008 
Postal Address: P.O. Box 538, Hobart TAS 7001 

Find more information on the Adoptions in Tasmania webpage.

Ashley Youth Detention Centre

The Ashley Youth Detention Centre is located in northern Tasmania, near Deloraine. 

Phone: (03) 6362 2311 

Advocacy for Children and Young People in Out of Home Care

The job of an advocate is to hear what matters to you, and make sure adults listen to you. You can read more about the role of the advocates and how to make contact on the Child advocates for Out of Home Care page.

Child and Family Learning Centres

Visit the Great Start website to find a Child and Family Learning Centre – locations and contact details.

If you have a question about CFLCs you can:

If you require further information, contact Learning Services Northern Region or Learning Services Southern Region.

Child Safety Service / Out of Home Care – Services for Children and Families

For enquiries, contact 1300 737 639 or via the service centres at: 

  • Upper Woodhouse, St Johns Park, New Town 
  • 115 – 119 Cameron Street, Launceston 
  • Ground Floor, Harris Building, 49 Cattley Street, Burnie 
  • 23 Steele Street, Devonport 

Commissioner for Children and Young People

Visit the Commissioner for Children and Young People website to find out more about the role.

For enquires call (03) 6166 1366 or email childcomm@childcomm.tas.gov.au

Community Youth Justice – Services for Youth Justice

For community youth justice enquiries, contact 1300 737 639 or via the service centres at: 

  • Inga Building, St Johns Park, New Town 
  • 115 – 119 Cameron Street, Launceston 
  • Ground Floor, Harris Building, 49 Cattley Street, Burnie 
  • 23 Steele Street, Devonport 

Libraries Tasmania

For general enquiries call 1800 808 303 or email libraries.tas@libraries.tas.gov.au

Visit the Libraries Tasmania website to find the location and hours of your local library.

School directory

Tasmanian Autism Diagnostic Service

TADS is a free community service providing comprehensive assessment and diagnosis for children and young people under 18 years of age suspected of having autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Telephone: (03) 6166 1100 
Fax: (03) 6173 0439 
Email: autismassessment@decyp.tas.gov.au 

Postal Address: GPO Box 125, HOBART TAS 7001 

More information and resources for referrers, services providers and parents, guardians and carers can be found on the Tasmanian Autism Diagnostic Service page.

Financial support information and scholarship programs

Awards and scholarships for students

Apply for one of our scholarships which offer financial support and recognition for achievement by students.

Find out about the different awards and scholarships available.

Financial assistance for school costs

Find out if you are eligible for assistance with school costs, including the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS).

You can also find links to other Tasmanian and Australian Government programs.

For Student Assistance Scheme enquiries, please sue the contact details below:

Postal Address: GPO Box 169, Hobart Tasmania 7001
Telephone: 1800 827 055
Facsimile: (03) 6173 0315
Email: stas@decyp.tas.gov.au

Other information

Information for external organisations wishing to distribute materials to schools

Information for external organisations wishing to distribute information items to schools.

The department will distribute information items to schools on behalf of external organisations if they

  • have direct educational value
  • have a clear community or health benefit
  • are non-political
  • are not advertising material.

Where possible, material is distributed by email through the Infostream service. Submission guidelines include details of allowable formats and distribution to government and non-government schools.

Good news stories

You can tell a good news story about your school or Child and Family Learning Centre (CFLC) by emailing communications@decyp.tas.gov.au. Please include contact details and story information.