• Infostream Education Notices is published on Thursdays during school terms.
  • Before making a submission, please check the below page for suitability.
  • Use our Infostream online submission form
  • Please note that literacy professional learning submissions cannot be accepted until further notice.
  • Publication of submissions from external sources is at the discretion of the department.

Infostream Education Notices

Infostream Education Notices is a way for organisations to advertise educational products, services, professional learning and events to Tasmanian schools.


Submissions must meet these guidelines before they are published.

  • curriculum material and resources for student use
  • professional development and training events such as workshops and
  • activities and events of general interest to staff and/or school communities;
  • must have relevance to education or departmental programs.

In addition, the contents must:

  • have direct educational/agency value or will assist the development of
    students or teachers
  • be non-political and not of a commercial nature
  • comply with departmental workplace conduct guidelines.

Items are only published once and individual reminder notices will not be


Educational resources, programs, activities, displays and performances;
professional development sessions and programs; promotion of education related
events and activities for students, families and staff.
NB School newsletters are an effective way to advertise school fairs or similar local
events. Submissions of this nature will not be published in Infostream Education

Submitting articles

You can submit articles and supporting documents (flyers, posters, registration forms, etc) by using our Infostream online submission form.

Submission cut off time is 12 noon on Wednesdays (a day before publication). We recommended that you submit your article at least a full week before the deadline to allow for approvals (as detailed in the guidelines). Late submissions will go into the next week’s mailing. Articles are published only once.

If you are asking people to supply personal information (eg by completing registration or application forms), then you or your organisation should have a Personal Information Protection Statement. Note that the supply of personal information to DECYP is covered by the department’s Personal Information Protection (PIP) and Your Right to Information Policy


For help with Infostream Education Notices, please contact us by email: infostream@decyp.tas.gov.au.

Readers who have questions about specific articles published should use the contact listed in the article.

Past notices

Past notices are available on Infostream Education Notices.

Questions about specific articles published on Infostream should be directed to the relevant contact listed in the article.