Annual data on key performance metrics related to Libraries Tasmania.

Libraries Tasmania is responsible for providing Tasmania’s statewide library and archive service. The table below shows annual data across a range of performance measures for Libraries Tasmania.
Libraries Tasmania reviewed and revised its key data measures to better provide annual accountability reporting against its user experience and strategic priorities.
Data presented is from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.
Measure | 2023-2024 (%) |
Percentage of people satisfied with Libraries Tasmania services (1) | 90.3 |
Percentage of people who used Libraries Tasmania services and programs in the last 12 months (2) | 40.0 |
Percentage of people who found what they were looking for in Libraries Tasmania collections (3) | 91.0 |
Percentage of people who found the information they were looking for using Libraries Tasmania’s information service (4) | 94.3 |
Percentage of people who learnt something new after receiving support or participating in library programs (5) | 86.3 |
1 – The result for this measure is the percentage of ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ responses out of the total responses to the question “Overall, how satisfied are you with Libraries Tasmania?” in the annual Libraries Tasmania client survey.
2 – The result for this measure is determined by the percentage of ‘Yes’ responses out of the total responses to the question “Have you used Libraries Tasmania services and programs in the previous 12 months?” in a Tasmanian population survey conducted by 26Ten.
3 – The result for this measure is the percentage of ‘Yes’ responses out of the total responses to the question “In the last 12 months, did you find what you were looking for in our collections?” in the annual Libraries Tasmania client survey.
4 – The result for this measure is the percentage of ‘Yes’ responses out of the total responses to the question “Did you find the information you were looking for?” in the annual Libraries Tasmania client survey. The question follows a lead up question which lists library information services staff provide directly to users: book recommendations; finding a course, program, or event; historical or general research; digital devices; accessing eResources; and reference and specialised information.
5 – The result for this measure is the percentage of ‘Yes’ responses out of the total responses to the question “Did you learn something new?” in the annual Libraries Tasmania client survey. The question follows a lead up question “Have you recently attended a library course, program, event, or received support from library staff?”
Archived Libraries Tasmania data tables
Measure | Data |
Attendance in programs and events, per capita (per 1000) | 131 |
Number of loans per capita | 6 |
Number of visits to our archive and heritage pages | 1,818,682 |
Online visits – Average per day | 9,209 |
Percentage of people who are satisfied with Libraries Tasmania services | 92.9% |
Percentage of people who feel more confident using digital technology after receiving support from Libraries Tasmania staff (including volunteers) or participating in courses | 71.9% |
Percentage of the population who are members | 18.9% |
Physical visits per capita | 4.2 |
Total number of archives and heritage items digitised and publicly available | 157,975 |