Admission, levies and fees, the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS), absences, participation, intake areas, student transfers and non-compulsory education.
Behaviour management, drug management, infectious diseases, medication, mandatory reporting, and general health and safety.
Curriculum frameworks, accredited courses, learning programs, and assessment.
School associations, dress code, religious instruction, chaplains, hostels and grievance resolution.
Right to information, gifts and benefits, public interest disclosures, personal information protection, and event management.
The use of technology and devices including conditions of use, web filtering, social media, Bring Your Own Technology and records management.
Employment and selection guidelines, salary, staff grievance resolution, communications, work health and safety (WHS), corporate cards, expenses, professional learning and qualifications.
Diversity and inclusiveness related polices supporting our diverse learners.
Management of our sites.
Policies related to Public Libraries, State Library of Tasmania, Tasmanian Archives and Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts.
All Ministerial instructions relating to state and non-government schools.
All Secretary’s instructions relating to state government schools only.