Key information

  • The best interest of the child is the most important factor in all adoptions.
  • Information sessions about adoption are held regularly. Contact the team to register your interest.
  • Help is available to access past adoption records or counselling support services.
  • If you would like to talk to someone about adoption, you can contact us on
    (03) 6166 0422.

Adoption is a legal process where rights and responsibilities are transferred from birth parents to adoptive parents.

Types of adoption

The focus of adoption is on ‘finding families for children’ not ‘finding children for families’. 

Adoption is a legal process where legal rights and responsibilities are permanently transferred from birth parents to adoptive parents. 

The Adoptions team can provide information to individuals considering placing their child for adoption and those interested in adopting either a local or overseas child. Please see the links below for those services which may be relevant to you.

Are you interested in adoption?

If you are interested in adopting a child or young person, we encourage you to speak to the Adoptions team. The team will talk to you about why you are interested in adoption and what it involves.

Information sessions are held regularly and must be attended by anyone interested in adoption.

Please contact the team to find out more information and register your interest in attending a session.

Phone: (03) 6166 0422

Email: to register for an information session.

Approval as prospective adoptive parents

People wishing to adopt a child must be assessed and approved as suitable prospective adoptive parents, before a child can be placed in their care.  The approval process is set out in the Adoption Regulations 2016 and applicants must complete the approval process successfully before they can be placed with either a local or overseas child.

Legislation supporting adoption

Adoption in Tasmania is governed by the Adoption Act 1988 and the Adoption Regulations 2016.

Tasmania also adheres to the principles of the Hague Convention on protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in relation to Intercountry Adoptions.


There are some costs associated with adoption in Tasmania as outlined in Schedule 2 of the Adoption Regulations 2016.

Please contact our Adoption Team on (03) 6166 0422 or at  for more information and advice specific to your situation.  

All fees will be waived for adoptions that happened before 1988 in recognition of forced adoption practices.  Fees may be also be reduced in other situations where payment in full would cause hardship. There is no charge for counseling. You can get an application form to waive or reduce fees from the co-ordinator.

Past adoptions support

As a result of changes made as part of the Adoption Act 1988 adoptees have the right to know about their origins and identity. Under the Act, adoptees must be provided with access to their original birth record and other records associated with their adoption.

The Act also recognises that many birth parents desire to know how the arrangements they made for their child’s future turned out, and that adoptive parents may need information from the child’s birth family to help them in their tasks as parents.

How to access information about an adoption outlines the steps involved and how we can help you.