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Biology 2
TCE credit points
Level 2
Hours: 150
Type: TASC
- How we understand ecosystems, and the structure and functions of cells and living organisms
- How to design, carry out and interpret experiments
- The role and impact of biology in society
- To apply my understanding to a theme e.g. Human Science, Marine Studies, Environment, Biochemistry or Agriculture
- Investigate cells, organs and systems of plants and animals with practical work
- Explore exchange between cells and transport of materials through a cell
- Make a field trip to deepen understanding of the chosen theme
- Inquire into the role of scientists and the application of science in decision making
- Is interested in working hands-on with plants, animals, or the environment
- Is planning to do a pre-tertiary science in Year 12
- Want so understand science issues in society and their local community
This course is available at these
A-E ratings on mid and end of year reports will be replaced by a 9-point visual scale
Course Overview
You have
- No previous experience
- An interest in/need to developing scientific literacy
May lead to
- Biology 3 and Environmental Science 3
- Further study
- Careers in teaching, health, agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, medicine/nursing, environmental management and hairdressing