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Digital Projects 1
TCE credit points
Level 1
Hours: 150
Type: TASC
- Goal setting
- Communication and collaboration skills
- Online person security and wellbeing
- About digital citizenship
- To use common software like photo and video editing, spreadsheets and survey software
- To use the internet more effectively
- Collaborate using online tools
- Complete digital projects that might use e-textiles, game design, 3D printing, animation or creating video presentations
- Use new technologies that might include virtual reality, robotics or wearables
- Troubleshoot basic computing problems
- Enjoys working on projects and interactive learning
- Wants to be more confident with using technology
- Is keen to develop tech-skills
This course is available at these
A-E ratings on mid and end of year reports will be replaced by a 9-point visual scale
Course Overview
You have
- An interest in developing computing skills
TASC course
Digital Projects 1
May lead to
- Development of digital skills to aid learning in all senior secondary courses
- Level 2 digital courses or VET courses with a computing focus