• About electronics and its role in advanced technologies.
  • How to use a STEM approach (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to design solutions.
  • How to create simple electronic solutions and prototype concepts.
  • Skills for safe work with tools, chemicals and electricity.
  • Explore how electricity works in circuits.
  • Discover how electronics are used in society.
  • Investigate advanced technologies, such as automation and renewable energy sources.
  • Undertake projects to research, plan and build electronic circuits and systems. 
  • Enjoys working with their hands and making items that perform a function.
  • Is interested in pursuing further study or a career in electrical or engineering fields.

Course Overview

You have

  • An interest in electronics.
  • No previous experience required.

TASC course

Electronics and Advanced Technologies 2

May lead to

  • Further study in electronics, such as Electronics and Advanced Technologies 3.
  • A career in electrical trades or engineering fields.