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Engineering Design 2
TCE credit points
Level 2
Hours: 150
Type: TASC
- About engineering careers
- Engineering Design and Design Thinking processes
- Project management processes
- How to build prototypes
- How to communicate with purpose
- About creating preferred futures
- STEM skills
- Think creatively
- Brainstorm and pitch ideas
- Use an Engineering Design process
- Design and create prototypes
- Work as part of a collaborative team
- Solve an Engineering Design challenge
- Explore existing, new and emerging technologies
- Wants to learn about the thinking and design processes related to engineering
- Enjoys hands-on, project-based problem solving
- Likes designing ways to make something better
This course is available at these
A-E ratings on mid and end of year reports will be replaced by a 9-point visual scale
Course Overview
You have
An interest in:
- exploring how and why things work
- design thinking
- working with others
TASC course
Engineering Design 2
May lead to
- Engineering Design 3
- Other Technologies courses