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English Inquiry 2
TCE credit points
Level 2
Hours: 150
Type: TASC
- How language works to help communicate what we want to say
- How language can influence
- How to use language to express and develop ideas in an effective way
- To show and understand information, ideas and issues in different ways
- To crate oral, written and multi-modal texts for different purposes, settings and audiences
- To apply inquiry skills through transdisciplinary study of English
- How to use English to undertake research projects
- Apply communication and inquiry skills
- Respond to and interpret information, ideas, issues and texts
- Study contemporary spoken, written and multimodal texts through transdisciplinary study of English
- Study a variety of English texts from different perspectives
- Create oral, written and multimodal texts for different purposes, contexts and audiences
- Investigate a national or local issue of interest through an individual negotiated study
- Wants to improve their English writing skills
- Wants to create and respond to different types of English texts
This course is available at these
A-E ratings on mid and end of year reports will be replaced by a 9-point visual scale
Course Overview
You have
- 'C' in Year 10 Australian Curriculum English
TASC course
English Inquiry 2
May lead to
- Level 3 TASC courses, including English 3
- Further study or employment