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Work Readiness 2
TCE credit points
Level 2
Type: TASC
- The skills needed for successful job seeking
- Communication, numeracy and ICT skills suitable for using in a workplace
- Workplace skills expected of any new employee
- About diversity in the workplace.
- Search for and apply for a job, develop a resume and practice interview skills
- Work as part of a team to solve ‘real world’ problems and challenges
- Develop a Facebook page for a business and / or a LinkedIn profile for myself
- Plan and implement a project.
- Is interested in gaining work
- May be considering undertaking a VET course.
2025 (current view)
2026 (discontinued)
This course is available at these
A-E ratings on mid and end of year reports will be replaced by a 9-point visual scale
Course Overview
TASC course
Work Readiness 2
May lead to
- A pathway to work, a school based apprenticeship (ASbA) or a VET course.