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Accounting 3
Intake 2026
TCE credit points
Level 3
Type: TASC
- How to record financial information for a business
- How to prepare business financial statements
- How firms use financial statements to run their businesses
- How to better manage my own money.
- Participate in practical accounting exercises
- Prepare cash budgets and bank reconciliations
- Use accounting packages and spreadsheets to prepare and analyse financial reports
- Interpret accounting and financial information to make decisions for business purposes
- Undertake finance related assignments, inquiry and tests.
- Has a good ‘feel’ for numbers and who is numerically literate
- Wants to understand the financial elements which guide business decision-making
- Wants to understand what it’s like to work in a commercial environment.
This course is available at these
A-E ratings on mid and end of year reports will be replaced by a 9-point visual scale
Course Overview
You have
- ‘A’ or ‘B’ (‘C’ in consultation with teachers) in Year 10 Australian Curriculum Mathematics and English.
May lead to
- Further study and/or a career in accounting or business.