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Basic Road Safety 1
Intake 2026
TCE credit points
Level 1
Type: TASC
- The common risk factors people encounter when using Tasmania’s road system.
- Strategies to increase personal safety and the safety of others on the road.
- The individual roles and responsibilities of a road user (as a pedestrian, driver, passenger and/or rider)
- Positive attitudes and behaviours toward road use.
- Research the causes of the most common types of vehicular collisions
- Reflect on personal risk factors and the consequences of crashes
- Identify how road design and technology contribute to the safety of all users
- Describe the components and benefits of the Tasmanian road licensing system.
- Is unfamiliar with the requirements of using our road system.
- Is curious as to the causes of crashes on Tasmanian roads and the factors that contribute to them.
- Wants to make informed decisions as a driver, pedestrian, passenger or cyclist on Tasmanian roads.
- Enjoys classroom discussion and reflection.
This course is available at these
A-E ratings on mid and end of year reports will be replaced by a 9-point visual scale
Course Overview
TASC course
Basic Road Safety 1
May lead to
- Further study
- Road Safety Education 2