Our schools should be respectful, positive and safe places – for students, teachers, school staff and the whole school community.  

To achieve this, it’s important that all adults work together and communicate respectfully to get the best outcomes for the kids. This includes parents, carers and school staff.  

We all experience everyday pressures and frustrations. It’s sometimes easy to forget this, and our actions, messages or furious typing can quickly lead to disrespect and distress.  

If you have an issue to raise with a teacher or school staff member, remember to stop and think about how you communicate.  

This is also the case in the online world. Remember there is a real person, just like you, on the other end of your post, comment or email. 

Adults behaviour in and around school impacts everyone. Help us to eliminate disrespectful behaviour in our schools and create the best environment possible for our kids to learn.  

Disrespect in our schools is crossing the line. Simple as that.