Catchment areas are monitored and reviewed as community demographics and needs change over time.

Families are welcome to access a CFLC in their local community, where the child and/or parent/caregiver lives in the catchment area.

Find out what programs and services are available on the CFLC’s Facebook page.

CFLCLocationRegionCatchment areaContact detailsCentre Leader
BeaconsfieldBeaconsfieldNorthWest Tamar local government area3 Grubb St, Beaconsfield
(03) 6383 1742 
Beaconsfield CFLC Facebook page 
Stewart Bell
Break O’DaySt HelensNorthBreak O’Day local government area and Tasmania’s East Coast1 Groom St, St Helens
Phone: (03) 6376 7172 
Break O’ Day CFLC Facebook page 
Fiona Watts
George TownGeorge TownNorthGeorge Town local government area12 Elizabeth St, George Town
(03) 6702 6092  
George Town CFLC Facebook page 
Trudi Cross
muylatinaMayfieldNorth7248 and 7268 postcodes
(Invermay, Mayfield, Mowbray, Newnham and Rocherlea and Lilydale, North Lilydale and Underwood communities)
30b Hargrave Cres, Mayfield
(03) 6777 1446 
muylatina CFLC Facebook page 
Stephanie Rodman (Acting)
RavenswoodRavenswoodNorthRavenswood and Waverley communities8 Prossers Forrest Rd, Launceston
(03) 6777 2703
Ravenswood CFLC Facebook page 
Donna Seen
Blue GumWest UlverstoneNorth WestCentral Coast local government area34 Maud St, West Ulverstone
(03) 6447 9352 
Blue Gum CFLC Facebook page 
Meagan Smith
BurnieBurnieNorth WestBurnie local government area36 Thorne St, Burnie
(03) 6430 4222  
Burnie CFLC Facebook page 
Shandel Pile
East DevonportEast DevonportNorth WestPostcodes 7310 and 730740 Drew St, East Devonport
(03) 6478 4337 
East Devonport CFLC Facebook page 
Kate Larcombe
larapiWynyardNorth WestWaratah-Wynyard local government area 18 Gibbons St, Wynyard
(03) 6418 9102 
Larapi CFLC Facebook page 
Garry Reeve
QueenstownQueenstownNorth WestWest Coast local government area9-13 Driffield Street, Queenstown
(03) 6495 1534 
Queenstown CFLC Facebook page 
Vikki Iwanicki
ChigwellChigwellSouthPostcodes 7011 and 7012
(Austins Ferry, Berriedale, Chigwell, Collinsvale, Claremont and Glenlusk)
4 Bethune St, Chigwell
(03) 6275 5333  
Chigwell CFLC Facebook page 
Tash Cowles
Clarence PlainsClarendon ValeSouthClarence City local government area5 Mockridge Rd, Clarendon Vale
(03) 6246 6444 
Clarence Plains CFLC Facebook page 
Teresa Bricknell (Acting)
GlenorchyGlenorchySouth7010 and 7009 postcode areas
(Derwent Park, Dowsing Point, Glenorchy, Goodwood, Lutana, Montrose, Moonah, Rosetta and West Moonah)
452 Main Road, Glenorchy 
Glenorchy CFLC Facebook page 
Donna Lashmar
ptunarraNew NorfolkSouthDerwent Valley local government area 52 Blair St, New Norfolk
(03) 6261 7222
ptunarra CFLC Facebook page 
Roxie Meehan
SaltbushKingstonSouthKingborough local government area Hutchins St, Kingston  
Saltbush CFLC Facebook page
Rachael Hawkins
tagari liaBridgewaterSouthBrighton local government area and 7030 postcode area 23 Green Point Rd, Bridgewater
(03) 6165 5450   
tagari lia Facebook page 
Tracey Howard
The NestSorellSouthSorell and Tasman local government areas41 Gordon St, Sorell
0467 316 513 
Sorell CFLC on Facebook page 
Kim Overgaauw
wayraparatteeGeevestonSouthHuon Valley local government area4879 Huon Highway, Geeveston
(03) 6297 0052 
wayraparattee CFLC Facebook page 
Sue Hall

If your family does not live in a CFLC catchment area, please contact the CFLC before visiting, to discuss out of area access and support.

Service providers are welcome to contact CFLCs to discuss access for clients.