CFLC partnerships

CFLCs work with a number of service partners to support children and families in their local communities.

Examples of partnerships across the CFLC Network include:

Contact us

If you would like to partner with a CFLC, contact your local CFLC or Early Years Partnerships via email at

How CFLCs work with families and service partners

Working Together Agreements

A Working Together Agreement (WTA) is a set of ground rules developed by a team that guides how they will work together. WTAs set expectations for how everyone will interact with each other and deliver work.

By using a WTA, everyone has a clear understanding of roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Everyone knows how to be working individually and together in a CFLC.

Family Partnership Model

The Family Partnership Model (FPM) is an evidence-based approach to working with families that has underpinned the inception, design, planning, and delivery of all CFLCs.

FPM is a partnership between professionals and families characterised by shared expertise and active collaboration to achieve shared, meaningful goals and outcomes.

FPM is founded upon a respect for and encouragement of the expertise and self-determination of parents, caregivers, families, and communities. It requires and encourages a different approach to service design and delivery.

Frequently asked questions

What is a CFLC?

CFLCs are places for children from birth to five years and their parents, caregivers and family, and expectant parents, in their local community.

CFLCs are safe and welcoming places where families can access a range of free, high-quality services in their local community that support child and family learning, health, and wellbeing.

CFLCs provide innovative child-focused environments, specifically tailored to early childhood learning, where children, family and workers can learn, play and grow together. The purpose-built indoor and outdoor play spaces help families build connections and belonging within their local community.

CFLCs align with the ecological model of human development, which places the child at the centre and recognises the influence of relationships within the settings of the family and the community.

CFLCs are not:

  • early education and care services (daycare/childcare)
    • Many CFLCs offer adjunct care to support parents and caregivers attend programs and services. Some CFLCs are co-located with ECEC providers (they may share a building or be in close proximity of each other) but do not offer ECEC services through the CFLC.
  • play centres
    • CFLCs have purpose-built play spaces for children and families to learn and play together
  • public spaces available for everyone to access
    CFLCs are places for children from birth to five years with their parents, caregivers and family, and expectant parents, in their local community. Catchment areas apply. Older children, including siblings, are unable to attend CFLCs, unless attending a service partner appointment available onsite for older children, such as a paediatric clinic

Further information about CFLCs for families is available on the Great Start website at Child and Family Learning Centres – Great Start

Who works at a CFLC?

Each CFLC has a:

  • Centre Leader
  • Education Officer
  • Centre Inclusion Worker
  • Centre Assistant.

Other workers you may see in CFLCs include:

  • Aboriginal Family Safety Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Speech Pathologists
  • Social Workers
  • CHaPS nurses

Can I bring my client to a CFLC?

  • CFLCs can be accessed by children from birth to five years with their parents, caregivers and families, and expectant parents, in their local community.
  • Older children, including siblings, are unable to attend CFLCs, unless attending a service partner appointment available onsite for older children. Please contact the Centre Leader prior to visiting to see how they CFLC can best support your client.
  • CFLCs have catchment areas, so the child, parent or caregiver must live in the CFLC’s catchment area.
  • If your client meets these criteria, please contact the CFLC ahead of your visit. The Centre Leader can discuss how the CFLC can work with you to best support your client.
  • CFLCs are more than play spaces – they focus on connection and come with wraparound support for families.

Do service partner staff need a Registration to Work With Vulnerable People?

Yes, all workers at CFLCs need a current Registration to Work With Vulnerable People (RWVP).

All workers must sign-in to the CFLC site, record their RWVP and show their RWVP card to CFLC staff for checking.

Parents and caregivers accessing a CFLC with their child/children do not need a RWVP.