Key information

  • The NCCD helps schools, education authorities and Governments understand the needs of students and how they can be supported at school 
  • What is the NCCD 
  • How is the NCCD collected 
  • More information 

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability. It helps schools, education authorities and governments to better understand the needs of students and how they can be best supported at school. 

For specific advice or other questions from our Disability Services team: 

What is the NCCD? 

Each year, Australian schools have to put together information about students with disability and how they are being supported in the classroom. The data must be provided it to Australian Government. This is called the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)

The Australian Government uses this information when they are allocating funding for education in states and territories. This is called the ‘disability loading’. So information given to the NCCD needs to be reliable, high quality and supported by evidence. 

The data collected does not identify individual students. It only gives the category of disability, the level of adjustment and some other information like the year level. 

We only send data for Prep to Year 12. 

The NCCD is based on the legal requirements for schools in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards for Education 2005

How do schools collect the NCCD information? 

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) happens by the beginning of August every year. 

School records about the educational adjustments being made for students with disability are key pieces of evidence. This evidence might be in the Learning Plan or other documents like Risk Management Plans or support timetables. 

Teachers use the evidence, observations and their professional judgement to determine: 

  • which of their students are being provided with reasonable adjustments because of disability, as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005; 
  • the level of adjustment that students with disability are being provided with, in both classroom and whole of school routines and activities; 
  • The broad category of disability for each student. 

There are four levels of adjustment provided to students: 

  1. Quality Differentiated Teaching Practice 
  1. Supplementary adjustments 
  1. Substantial adjustments 
  1. Extensive adjustments. 

Schools are supported with the NCCD process by Disability Educational Adjustment Moderators. The Moderators put the agreed NCCD level of adjustment and disability information into SSS. 

Each year in August, Principals then check the data for the students in their school via the census procedure. 

 Evidence and recordkeeping requirements for the NCCD 

School principals must be able to show accurate records of their school’s evidence to support the inclusion of a student in the NCCD. The Australian Government may hold checks or audits of the NCCD from time to time. 

There must be evidence that: 

  • a student has been provided educational adjustments for a period of ten weeks or longer to meet their specific needs associated with the disability. 
  • the student’s parents or carers have been consulted about the adjustments. 

What if a student has moved schools or has a dual enrolment? 

If a student is moving schools, or has a dual enrolment, the school where the student spends most of their time and is known best does the moderation for the NCCD. 

More information