The Tasmanian Government has committed to the major redevelopment of Hobart City High School, with $23 million allocated to provide contemporary facilities for students and staff.

Extensive consultation with students, staff and the broader community was undertaken to inform the development of a long-term master plan for Hobart City High School. From this, a concept plan has been developed to undertake the redevelopment works.

Check out the concept plan and digital renders for the redevelopment of Hobart City High School.

Artist render of Hobart City High School


The project initiation stage sees the commencement of project planning, documentation and engagement with the school community.

Artist render of Hobart City High School

This stage of community engagement informs development of the scope of works.

Click to view the Community Engagement Outcomes Report.

Consultation is now closed.

This phase will see the development of the stage 1 works site master plan and is expected to be completed in the second half of 2023.

Artist render of Hobart City High School

The second stage of engagement provides opportunity for the community to review the approved works plan via this website and other channels.

Community engagement is now closed.


Design development of the approved master plan in readiness for tendering and construction.

This is expected to commence in late 2023.

Artist render of Hobart City High School

Construction is expected to commence in 2025.

Artist render of Hobart City High School

Construction is expected to be completed in 2026.

Artist render of Hobart City High School

Current Status


Construction Commencement


Expected Completion



State Government - $23 million