Key information

  • Sometimes you may have questions, or need extra help if you’ve been in care.
  • You may have lived in out of home care or been under guardianship in Tasmania.
  • We can help you with access to your file or help to find family members.
  • We will be here for you when you need us.

What is after care support?

Depending on your situation, you may:

  • want to see what’s on your personal file, and need help understanding it
  • need help finding family members
  • need help getting on your own two feet (this could be financial, housing, education, employment).

Who is eligible for after care support?

To be eligible for support through the After Care Support program you must have:

  • lived in Out of Home Care in Tasmania.
    • this may include a foster placement, a family group home, cottage care, a receiving home, a children’s home or an orphanage.
  • been placed under guardianship of the State in Tasmania.

Type of support

Access your personal file

The Department for Education, Children and Young People records information about all children and young people in out of home care in a file, known as a “personal file”.

You can apply for a copy of your personal file by contacting the After Care Support Program. We can also help you to understand your file.

Help to find members of your family

Some people who spend long periods of time in out of home care lose contact with members of their family, including siblings.

If you need help to find a member of your family, contact the After Care Support Program.

General help

There are government and community organisations that can provide assistance specifically for people who have been in out of home care.

You may need help with education, housing or health services. We can refer you to the best suited support organisation. This will only be done in discussion with you and if you agree to a referral.

Below is a list of providers and the types of support they can provide:

The CREATE FoundationProvides a voice for children and young people in care and care leavers under 25 years of age.32 Church Street, North Hobart TAS 7000
(03) 6281 9243
1800 655 105
or visit the Create Foundation
CLAN (Care Leavers Aust Network)A national support and advocacy group for adults who were in orphanages, children’s homes and foster care, including those placed privately.PO Box 164 Georges Hall NSW 2198
0425 204 747 or visit CLAN
Find & ConnectAccess counselling and support as well as history and information about children’s homes and institutions and providing free support and counselling to care leavers.Freecall
1800 16 11 09
or visit Find & Connect

Financial help

Aged 18, 19 or 20 years and continuing to live with a family-based carer?

If you are a carer who continues to provide family-based care for a young adult aged 18, 19 or 20 years, you may be eligible to apply for extended carer payments.

Information about extended carer payments is available from the After Care Support Program, who administers payments through the Transition to Independence (T2i) Program.

Between 18 and 24 years of age and need financial assistance?

Many young adults who have grown up in out of home care need extra assistance, especially if they do not have the support of their carers or family.

It takes time and effort to successfully manage the many challenges of living independently.

If you are between the age of 18 – 24 years and have been in care for two years or more from the age of 14 years, you can apply for financial assistance through the After Care Support Program.

Funds are available to:

  • Complete education or training
  • Improve employment opportunities
  • Develop and maintain relationships with family members
  • Improve links to the wider community
  • Participate in sporting and creative activities.

The maximum amount is $2,500 per year.

Contact the After Care Support Program

Contact the After Care Support Program team to find out how we can help you.

Phone: (03) 6166 0422 or 1300 654 583
