Get emergency help if a child or young person is currently at risk of harm

Emergency help

If there is an emergency where there is immediate risk of harm or a crime is happening now, contact Police by calling 000 (triple zero).

Is your concern about the safety or wellbeing of a child or young person?

If you believe or suspect that a child is at risk, you must speak up and notify the relevant area for support.

Do you have a concern about a worker*?

*A worker is classified as any individual engaged by the department who is a member of staff, volunteer, trainer, trainee or student on work placement, contractor or sub-contractor over the age of 18.

If your concern is in relation to the conduct of a worker within the Department for Education, Children and Young People that relates to child abuse, you can direct your concern to the relevant area through the complaints processes below:

You can also report your concern directly to the Office of the Independent Regulator.

Are you concerned about the behaviour of a worker at another Tasmanian Government Department?