Key information

The Keeping Kids Safe in Detention Action Plan 2024-2026 (PDF, 5.7MB) incorporates our responsibilities to implement key Commission of Inquiry recommendations to strengthen the safety and wellbeing of children and young people at Ashley Youth Detention Centre. The plan will be updated annually to ensure it remains current.

This Action Plan replaces the original Keeping Kids Safe: A plan for Ashley Youth Detention Centre (PDF, 557KB). This plan was first developed in September 2022, when the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings requested an interim plan on how children and young people are being kept safe at Ashley Youth Detention Centre.

The Keeping Kids Safe: A plan for Ashley Youth Detention Centre until its intended closure (status update as at 30 September 2024) (PDF, 550KB) is the final update of this original plan.

Progress on implementing recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry

In 2023 the Tasmanian Government accepted all recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings. Work to put in place the 39 recommendations that relate to Youth Justice services in Tasmania is led by several Government agencies including the Department for Education Children and Young People and the Youth Justice Reform Taskforce based at the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

The Tasmanian government’s 10-year plan for youth justice system reform in Tasmania including delivery of a new youth justice facility is currently led by the Youth Justice Reform Taskforce in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet). The broader reform plans are outlined in the Youth Justice Blueprint 2024-2034 (PDF, 1MB) and the Youth Justice Reform Taskforce Action Plan 2024-2025 (PDF, 513KB).

More information about progress to implement Commission of Inquiry recommendations that relate to youth justice, including lead agencies for each recommendation is available on the Keeping Children Safe website.
