Course description
This session will explore how Curriculum Leaders can guide the development of a school-specific, knowledge-rich, and coherent curriculum across learning areas. It will also build understanding of what a high-quality, sequenced curriculum looks like and how teacher teams can collaborate to design a curriculum tailored to their school’s context.
Course outcomes
Participants will understand:
- Why curriculum matters
- Importance of documented curriculum
- Why a low variation curriculum matters
- What is a knowledge-rich curriculum
- A suggested process for developing and sharing knowledge rich units within a school
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 6 – Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
Knowledge and Expertise
- K4 – Leads curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
- K6 – Leads, models and engages in professional learning
- K7 – Leads school improvement and collaborative inquiry
- K8 – Leads school management and administration