Course description

Our 2025 schedule of live online wellbeing webinars is now available to all DECYP staff, beginning 19 February, these webinars are expertly facilitated by professionals from our wellbeing partner providers, Newport and Wildman (EAP) and Bupa. Our diverse range of facilitators and guest speakers bring extensive knowledge and experience in promoting mental and emotional health. Each session is tailored to address the unique challenges of our workplace, providing practical strategies to cultivate a positive mindset and effectively integrate work and personal life. Participation in these sessions is voluntary, but we highly encourage you to share this enriching opportunity.

10 April 10.00am – 11.00am
Sit right seminar

This 60-minute seminar focuses on minimising body strain and covers the holistic issues with sedentary work.  

30 April 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Positive Psychology – Learn how to flourish [Zoom Password: 968190]

The session is designed to help people learn how to flourish and identify their own strengths and development areas.  This topic is based around the PERMAH Model of positive psychology, which consists of six ‘essential elements to wellbeing’ that are supported by scientifically based skills and knowledge. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of positive psychology, the PERMAH Model and how to apply these concepts to their own wellbeing.

13 May 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Constructive Conversations for Employees [Zoom Password: 724208]

This topic provides learners with knowledge and strategies to effectively handle those more challenging conversations in the workplace such as dealing with complaints and grievances in the workplace; providing feedback; communicating business decisions; and addressing poor performance or behaviour.

29 May 10.00am – 11.00am
Building a Psychologically Healthy Workplace [Zoom Password: 668377]

The psychosocial legislation is here, and it focuses attention on the importance of creating a work environment where mental health is valued and risks to mental health are given attention and plans put in place to lessen the risks. All employees help set the tone for how mental health is regarded in the workplace and the culture of mental health that exists across the organisation. This topic focuses on practical ways you can help create a psychologically healthy workplace and so, together with everyone in your organisation, help meet the requirements of the psychosocial legislation and help create a culture where everyone can thrive at work.

19 June 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Workplace bullying and harassment awareness for employees [Zoom Password: 683159]

The topic will highlight steps that can be taken if there is bullying, and harassment behaviours present in the workplace and how to prevent these behaviours from happen.

24 June 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Understanding grief and loss [Zoom Password: 186202]

Grief and loss impact everyone at some point in their life. Sometimes the loss of a friend, family member, or colleague, whether expected, affects us all in very different ways.

Grief and loss aren’t always referring to the passing of a person, it can refer to any number of losses that can occur in our lives. This session unpacks what to expect, how to cope, and how to not only support yourself but others through the process. 

24 July 10.00am – 11.00am
Healthy Lifestyle Habits

With the busy demands of modern life, sometimes looking after our health can take a back seat, and we can slip into unhealthy habits. When we find that achieving our health needs becomes a challenge or are lacking in motivation, we may slip into routines that may work in the short term, and have negative impacts on long-term wellbeing.

5 August 3.30pm – 4.30pm
The key to work-life integration

This seminar introduces important aspects of blending (not just balancing) personal and professional lives and provides the opportunity to learn from shared experiences.

21 August 10.00am – 11.00am
Burnout Busters

Participants can expect to gain from this session an ability to:

  • relate burnout to the physiology of stress and its impact on our physical and mental wellbeing
  • identify the warning signs and risk factors
  • apply evidence-based techniques for reducing experiences with fatigue and mitigating burnout risk factors in high performance environments
  • activate self-care techniques longer term along with ways to help colleagues de-escalate stress, take stock and take a break.

2 September 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Women’s Health Seminar

When you understand the risk factors for some key health issues facing women you can manage your health better. Knowing what to look out for helps you make positive changes and seek help when you need it, to help you stay healthy for as long as possible.

16 October 10.00am – 11.00am
Sit right seminar

This 60-minute seminar focuses on minimising body strain and covers the holistic issues with sedentary work. 

28 October 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Mental Health in Uncertain Times

When we face times of great uncertainty, as individuals, teams and organisations, we are increasingly susceptible to mental ill health, as well as less likely to prioritise suitable mental healthcare and support.

12 November 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Men’s Health Seminar

When you understand the risk factors for some key health issues facing men you can manage your health better. Knowing what to look out for helps you make positive changes and seek help when you need it, to help you stay healthy for as long as possible. 

25 November 10.00am – 11.00am
Healthy Sleep

Healthy Sleep is such an important part of our everyday existence. Many of us are completely unaware of what the right amount of sleep is, the type of sleep we should be getting and the impact a deficit of sleep can have on our everyday lives. We have all been through stages in our lives where we haven’t had enough quality sleep.

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