Course description

This in-person workshop will support school health nurses, professional support staff and interested teachers to gain an understanding of affirmation planning and the role it plays in addressing the challenges and barriers faced by LGBTIQA+ young people. Affirmation plans (gender or sexuality or bodies) are developed together with the young person and, where appropriate, engage their families and allow for the school leadership to be informed as to the unique needs of a specific student in their school.

Workshop content is informed by DECYP’s Supporting Sexuality, Sex, and Gender Diversity in Schools Policy. Participation will help prepare and equip school staff to support and assist students seeking to affirm their identity in the school setting. During the session, attendees will work through a Gender Affirmation Plan in order to understand its use in addressing supportive and dignifying conversations with LGBTIQA+ students, through focusing on social, legal and educational concerns.

Course outcomes

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate the history and development of affirmation plans in Tasmanian schools,
  • Appreciate the role of Gender Affirmation Plans as part of a whole school approach,
  • Understand the limitations of focussing on an individual student,
  • Appreciate the guiding principles and policies that set the context for affirmation planning,
  • Understand the limits of a plan in relation to medical issues,
  • Develop strategies for including families in the development of Affirmation Plans,
  • Ground the plan as a tool for advocacy and not as a therapy tool,
  • Understand key considerations of confidentiality and disclosures.

Australian Professional Standards

  • Standard 4 – Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Principal Capability Framework


  • Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff


  • Is committed to an ethic of care

Knowledge and Expertise

  • Critically reflects on the role of education in ensuring equitable life opportunities

Participants are invited to bring along their lunch to this session. Tea and coffee will be available.

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