Course description

The Family Partnership Model emphasises the need for highly skilled professional communication and structured goal-orientated support for families. It also assumes that a respectful partnership between the Family Partnership Model practitioner and those who support their reflective practice is a powerful restorative support, and the means by which reflective practice can be most successfully reviewed and facilitated.

A partnership relationship provides a base for the Family Partnership Model practitioner to explore difficulties they face, to clarify these and to develop the most helpful and effective strategies. Guiding a practitioner through reflective practice is a form of supervision.

Supervision is ‘a quintessential interpersonal interaction with the general goal that one person, the supervisor, meets with another, the supervisee, in an effort to make the latter more effective in helping people’ (Hess, 1980:25).

The Family Partnership Model Supervision Course prepares you to facilitate reflective supervision for practitioners who apply the Family Partnership Model in their work.

We’ll ask you to embark on a journey of change through self-reflection, experiential learning and knowledge acquisition. This will enhance and develop your knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective supervision. The course is tiring and challenging. We suggest giving yourself an hour or so of quiet relaxation after each day.

Course outcomes

This course equips participants with an understanding of the functions, processes and skills required to provide supervision (individual and groups) to practitioners in the style of the Family Partnership Model (Davis & Day, 2010; Day, Ellis & Harris, 2015). It encourages participants to reflect on their own experiences and learn to deal effectively with new supervisory situations, and to find new ways of managing familiar challenges (White, 2002:11).

Participants will:

  • Enhance and develop knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective supervision.
  • Facilitate reflective supervision for practitioners who apply the Family Partnership Model in their work.
  • Support practitioners to explore difficulties they face, to clarify these and to develop the most helpful and effective strategies.

Australian Professional Standards

  • Standard 6 – Engage in professional learning
  • Standard 7 – Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

Principal Capability Framework


  • Acts upon critical self-reflection and feedback from others


  • Supervises and supports others in their daily practice


  • Is courageous, resilient and adaptable
  • Is responsible for own professional growth and wellbeing

Knowledge and Expertise

  • Leads, models and engages in professional learning

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