January 2025
First Year Teacher Specialised Learning Program
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Starts on
About this course
Course description
First Year Teachers with Department for Education, Children and Young People (DECYP) are required to attend a paid specialised professional development program prior to the commencement of Term 1 2025. The program is compulsory for newly graduated teachers starting in February 2025 (permanent or fixed-term) and newly graduated TIPP teachers taking up their permanency in 2025. It also recommended teachers who commenced their first year of teaching with DECYP after 6 February 2024 attend at the discretion of their principal.
This four-day specialised learning and induction program will be held regionally between 28 and 31 January 2025. Three days will be held at venues across the state, and the final day on site induction in your contracted school.
The program, facilitated and delivered by DECYP specialists, explores the fundamentals of effective teaching and learning. First Year Teachers will be welcomed into DECYP and our ways of working, including our culture and values. Teachers will be supported to build skills to promote a positive classroom culture and make adjustments for diversity and inclusion, as well as understand assessment against the 9-point scale, reporting requirements, and DECYPs Lifting Literacy priority.
Course outcomes
- Develop knowledge and capabilities to support classroom readiness and the transition into school life
- Deepen knowledge and understanding of the Department for Education, Children and Young People
- Understand the support and resources available for our Teachers and how to access them
- Build a professional learning network with other First Year Teachers and the wider DECYP community
Australian Profession Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
First Year Teacher Specialised Learning Program
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Starts on
About this course
Course description
First Year Teachers with Department for Education, Children and Young People (DECYP) are required to attend a paid specialised professional development program prior to the commencement of Term 1 2025. The program is compulsory for newly graduated teachers starting in February 2025 (permanent or fixed-term) and newly graduated TIPP teachers taking up their permanency in 2025. It also recommended teachers who commenced their first year of teaching with DECYP after 6 February 2024 attend at the discretion of their principal.
This four-day specialised learning and induction program will be held regionally between 28 and 31 January 2025. Three days will be held at venues across the state, and the final day on site induction in your contracted school.
The program, facilitated and delivered by DECYP specialists, explores the fundamentals of effective teaching and learning. First Year Teachers will be welcomed into DECYP and our ways of working, including our culture and values. Teachers will be supported to build skills to promote a positive classroom culture and make adjustments for diversity and inclusion, as well as understand assessment against the 9-point scale, reporting requirements, and DECYPs Lifting Literacy priority.
Course outcomes
- Develop knowledge and capabilities to support classroom readiness and the transition into school life
- Deepen knowledge and understanding of the Department for Education, Children and Young People
- Understand the support and resources available for our Teachers and how to access them
- Build a professional learning network with other First Year Teachers and the wider DECYP community
Australian Profession Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
First Year Teacher Specialised Learning Program
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
First Year Teachers with Department for Education, Children and Young People (DECYP) are required to attend a paid specialised professional development program prior to the commencement of Term 1 2025. The program is compulsory for newly graduated teachers starting in February 2025 (permanent or fixed-term) and newly graduated TIPP teachers taking up their permanency in 2025. It also recommended teachers who commenced their first year of teaching with DECYP after 6 February 2024 attend at the discretion of their principal.
This four-day specialised learning and induction program will be held regionally between 28 and 31 January 2025. Three days will be held at venues across the state, and the final day on site induction in your contracted school.
The program, facilitated and delivered by DECYP specialists, explores the fundamentals of effective teaching and learning. First Year Teachers will be welcomed into DECYP and our ways of working, including our culture and values. Teachers will be supported to build skills to promote a positive classroom culture and make adjustments for diversity and inclusion, as well as understand assessment against the 9-point scale, reporting requirements, and DECYPs Lifting Literacy priority.
Course outcomes
- Develop knowledge and capabilities to support classroom readiness and the transition into school life
- Deepen knowledge and understanding of the Department for Education, Children and Young People
- Understand the support and resources available for our Teachers and how to access them
- Build a professional learning network with other First Year Teachers and the wider DECYP community
Australian Profession Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
February 2025
Reading across the Secondary Curriculum with Emina McLean
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Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All teachers want their students to be effective learners.
In order to achieve this, our secondary students must be effective readers.
This professional learning day is designed to upskill secondary teachers with ways to support their students to access the rich, challenging texts taught across the ACF, TASC and VET curricula.
Emina McLean will assist teachers to develop their understanding of ways to plan for and explicitly teach subject vocabulary, build reading fluency across the curriculum, and also provide scaffolds for accountable independent reading tasks.
Teachers will develop a deeper understanding of text complexity in their subject areas, and ways to tailor the reading tasks to match text with student knowledge and skills.
Emina will also guide teachers through documenting their planning for reading in their subjects, and through reflective practices, assess the impact of these changes on teaching and learning.
This professional learning will support the staged implementation of structured literacy within a multi-tiered system of support.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- Text complexity in their subject area/s
- Ways to plan for and explicitly teach subject vocabulary
- Ways to build reading fluency across the curriculum
- Approaches to improving reading comprehension across the curriculum
- Accountable independent reading tasks to support the learning of subject content
- Ways to tailor the reading tasks to match text complexity and student knowledge and skills
- Reflective practices to assess the impact of changes to teaching and learning
- Instruction, assessment and curriculum
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Manual Handling Training – North/North-West/West Coast
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This ‘hands on’ session will examine lifting techniques, hoist operation, toileting /changing concerns and manual handling problem solving. All techniques are based on the methods which involve behavioural change to re-educate our bodies to use the big muscles, our feet and body weight effectively, thereby reducing strain on our backs.
The workshop is especially for Teacher Assistants and Classroom Teachers who are teaching multiple/physically impaired students and students with autism. The Department for Education, Children and Young People Manual Handling Guidelines requires relevant staff to refresh their skills regularly.
Course outcomes
To be proficient in manual handling tasks to support students with disability whilst ensuring the health and safety of all parties and maintaining dignity for students.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Principal Capability Framework
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
What, Why and How of Reading Instruction, Assessment and Curriculum, Prep – Year 2 with Emina McLean
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All teachers want their students to be effective learners.
In order to achieve this, our students must be effective readers.
This professional learning is designed to support Prep – Year 2 teachers to deliver a consistent, explicit approach to reading instruction.
Emina McLean will support teachers to build their understanding of instruction, assessment and curriculum for word recognition and fluency.
This professional learning will support the staged implementation of structured literacy within a multi-tiered system of supports.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- Assessment
- Curriculum
- Instruction
for word recognition.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Introduction to Restorative Practices and Circles
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Join us for an immersive one-day program designed for school leaders, teachers, and professionals seeking to implement restorative practices within their school communities.
Developed and grounded in practice, this program provides a common language and approach, empowering participants to reframe conflicts and tensions as opportunities for rebuilding or strengthening relationships.
Each participant will receive a resource pack that includes question cards and posters to support their practice and implementation.
Program outcomes
Participants will:
- Understand the theoretical components of Restorative Practice.
- Learn reliable, practical strategies to engage and build strong, healthy relationships.
- Establish norms and address behaviour in the context of its impact on others.
- Implement practical activities into daily work to provide consistency in building school community and responding effectively to challenges.
- Gain confidence and competence in using restorative practices to create positive change
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
- Developing self and others
- Leading improvement
- Innovation and change
- Engaging and working with the community
Manual Handling Training – North/North-West/West Coast
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This ‘hands on’ session will examine lifting techniques, hoist operation, toileting /changing concerns and manual handling problem solving. All techniques are based on the methods which involve behavioural change to re-educate our bodies to use the big muscles, our feet and body weight effectively, thereby reducing strain on our backs.
The workshop is especially for Teacher Assistants and Classroom Teachers who are teaching multiple/physically impaired students and students with autism. The Department for Education, Children and Young People Manual Handling Guidelines requires relevant staff to refresh their skills regularly.
Course outcomes
To be proficient in manual handling tasks to support students with disability whilst ensuring the health and safety of all parties and maintaining dignity for students.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Principal Capability Framework
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course Description
This ‘hands on’ session will examine lifting techniques, hoist operation, toileting /changing issues, and manual handling problem solving. All techniques are based on the methods which involve behavioural change to re-educate our bodies to use the big muscles, our feet and body weight effectively, thereby reducing strain on our backs.
The workshop is especially for Teacher Assistants and Classroom Teachers who are teaching multiple/physically impaired students and students with autism. The Education Department’s Manual Handling Guidelines requires relevant staff to refresh their skills regularly.
Course Outcomes
To be proficient in manual handling tasks required to support students with disability whilst ensuring the health and safety of all parties and maintaining dignity for students.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who are at risk of choking.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will be able to identify when a student is aspirating or choking. Staff will learn what to do in a situation when a student may be aspirating or choking.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to shared values, professional integrity and ethical conduct
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Knowledge and Expertise
- Leads, models and engages in professional learning
What, Why and How of Reading Instruction, Assessment and Curriculum, Years 3 – 6 with Emina McLean
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All teachers want their students to be effective learners. In order to achieve this, our students must be effective readers.
This professional learning is designed to support Year 3 – 6 teachers to deliver a consistent, explicit approach to reading instruction.
Emina McLean will support teachers to build their understanding of instruction, assessment and curriculum for fluency and word recognition.
This professional learning will support the staged implementation of structured literacy within a multi-tiered system of supports.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- Assessment
- Curriculum
- Instruction
for fluency.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This program is for staff who support students who have meal support plans. The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who have meal support plans.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Introduction to Restorative Practices and Circles
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Join us for an immersive one-day program designed for school leaders, teachers, and professionals seeking to implement restorative practices within their school communities.
Developed and grounded in practice, this program provides a common language and approach, empowering participants to reframe conflicts and tensions as opportunities for rebuilding or strengthening relationships.
Each participant will receive a resource pack that includes question cards and posters to support their practice and implementation.
Program outcomes
Participants will:
- Understand the theoretical components of Restorative Practice.
- Learn reliable, practical strategies to engage and build strong, healthy relationships.
- Establish norms and address behaviour in the context of its impact on others.
- Implement practical activities into daily work to provide consistency in building school community and responding effectively to challenges.
- Gain confidence and competence in using restorative practices to create positive change
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
- Developing self and others
- Leading improvement
- Innovation and change
- Engaging and working with the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This program is for staff who support students who have meal support plans. The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Manual Handling Training – North/North-West/West Coast
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This ‘hands on’ session will examine lifting techniques, hoist operation, toileting /changing concerns and manual handling problem solving. All techniques are based on the methods which involve behavioural change to re-educate our bodies to use the big muscles, our feet and body weight effectively, thereby reducing strain on our backs.
The workshop is especially for Teacher Assistants and Classroom Teachers who are teaching multiple/physically impaired students and students with autism. The Department for Education, Children and Young People Manual Handling Guidelines requires relevant staff to refresh their skills regularly.
Course outcomes
To be proficient in manual handling tasks to support students with disability whilst ensuring the health and safety of all parties and maintaining dignity for students.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Principal Capability Framework
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who are at risk of choking.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will be able to identify when a student is aspirating or choking. Staff will learn what to do in a situation when a student may be aspirating or choking.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to shared values, professional integrity and ethical conduct
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Knowledge and Expertise
- Leads, models and engages in professional learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
From the start of 2025 DECYP will be supporting Word Origins: A Year 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program as the preferred spelling and word study program to be used in Tasmanian Government schools. This Professional Learning will deepen participant skills, understanding and capacity to deliver this program.
New online course available on 5th February - aimed at Teachers & School Leaders - via enrolment link above.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- the Word Origins Years 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program design
- morphological regularities of English, the etymology of our vocabulary, and the impact these elements have on spelling, reading, and word knowledge.
- Phonics and Word Knowledge Scope and Sequence (draft)
- the structure and delivery of detailed lesson plans including daily reviews
- the interpretation of assessment data
- use of program materials including manual and supporting online resources
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
What, Why and How of Reading Instruction, Assessment and Curriculum, Prep – Year 2 with Emina McLean
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All teachers want their students to be effective learners.
In order to achieve this, our students must be effective readers.
This professional learning is designed to support Prep – Year 2 teachers to deliver a consistent, explicit approach to reading instruction.
Emina McLean will support teachers to build their understanding of instruction, assessment and curriculum for word recognition and fluency.
This professional learning will support the staged implementation of structured literacy within a multi-tiered system of supports.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- Assessment
- Curriculum
- Instruction
for word recognition.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
What, Why and How of Reading Instruction, Assessment and Curriculum, Years 3 – 6 with Emina McLean
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All teachers want their students to be effective learners. In order to achieve this, our students must be effective readers.
This professional learning is designed to support Year 3 – 6 teachers to deliver a consistent, explicit approach to reading instruction.
Emina McLean will support teachers to build their understanding of instruction, assessment and curriculum for fluency and word recognition.
This professional learning will support the staged implementation of structured literacy within a multi-tiered system of supports.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- Assessment
- Curriculum
- Instruction
for fluency.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Data, Systems and Insights (DSI), will present one-hour modules as webinars to assist NAPLAN Coordinators with the process of delivering NAPLAN online assessments in 2025. New NAPLAN Coordinators are encouraged to attend all sessions.
Topics covered in this program are:
- What’s new in the NAPLAN 2025 platform
- Test scheduling
- Information on student familiarisation
- Test disruptions, re-scheduling and catching up
The webinars will be differentiated into three modules
- Module A: Readiness for Testing/NAPLAN Coordinator ‘Must Do’ tasks
- Module B: Role of and Support for Test Administrators (i.e. teachers delivering test sessions)
- Module C: Drilling Down on Principal and NAPLAN Coordinator Roles/What’s New and Important in 2025
Returning NAPLAN Coordinators must attend at least Module C to receive the latest information.
Each webinar is a stand-alone presentation and will take approximately one hour. Each module will be delivered on 3 occasions thereby allowing participants to choose convenient times to attend.
Course outcomes
To enable NAPLAN Coordinators and Principals to be prepared for and train other staff in order to administer NAPLAN online assessment tests for 2025.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
- Leading teaching and learning
Instructional Specialists Professional Learning – Literacy Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of literacy instruction, assessment, pedagogical approaches necessary in leading the implementation of Lifting Literacy initiatives further, context of respective school settings will be considered. Areas of focus will include implementation of minimum school guarantee by building capacity, knowledge and skills of Instructional Specialists in implementing Lifting Literacy priorities.
Course outcomes
Instructional Specialists will be able to do the following on completion of this professional learning:
- support staff, monitor progress, solve problems and adapt strategies for the implementation of Lifting Literacy initiatives for 2025
- adopt a flexible and motivating leadership style for implementation of Lifting Literacy initiatives
- provide follow-on coaching within the context of your school
- demonstrate exemplary teaching practices aligned to the evidence-base for learning with sound knowledge of the curriculum, assessment and monitoring processes
- within the leadership team at a school, to drive strong professional practice, including the use of data to inform decision-making and to actively tailor and improve planning, support and monitoring of impact while building capacity of others
- understand the current evidence-base for how students learn and how this informs the Department’s educational guidelines, policies and practices
- demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional development for self and others, aligned to departmental priorities and the ability to apply this to support the implementation of consistent, evidence-based teaching practices to improve student outcomes.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Instructional Specialists Professional Learning – Literacy Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of literacy instruction, assessment, pedagogical approaches necessary in leading the implementation of Lifting Literacy initiatives further, context of respective school settings will be considered. Areas of focus will include implementation of minimum school guarantee by building capacity, knowledge and skills of Instructional Specialists in implementing Lifting Literacy priorities.
Course outcomes
Instructional Specialists will be able to do the following on completion of this professional learning:
- support staff, monitor progress, solve problems and adapt strategies for the implementation of Lifting Literacy initiatives for 2025
- adopt a flexible and motivating leadership style for implementation of Lifting Literacy initiatives
- provide follow-on coaching within the context of your school
- demonstrate exemplary teaching practices aligned to the evidence-base for learning with sound knowledge of the curriculum, assessment and monitoring processes
- within the leadership team at a school, to drive strong professional practice, including the use of data to inform decision-making and to actively tailor and improve planning, support and monitoring of impact while building capacity of others
- understand the current evidence-base for how students learn and how this informs the Department’s educational guidelines, policies and practices
- demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional development for self and others, aligned to departmental priorities and the ability to apply this to support the implementation of consistent, evidence-based teaching practices to improve student outcomes.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Data, Systems and Insights (DSI), will present one-hour modules as webinars to assist NAPLAN Coordinators with the process of delivering NAPLAN online assessments in 2025. New NAPLAN Coordinators are encouraged to attend all sessions.
Topics covered in this program are:
- What’s new in the NAPLAN 2025 platform
- Test scheduling
- Information on student familiarisation
- Test disruptions, re-scheduling and catching up
The webinars will be differentiated into three modules
- Module A: Readiness for Testing/NAPLAN Coordinator ‘Must Do’ tasks
- Module B: Role of and Support for Test Administrators (i.e. teachers delivering test sessions)
- Module C: Drilling Down on Principal and NAPLAN Coordinator Roles/What’s New and Important in 2025
Returning NAPLAN Coordinators must attend at least Module C to receive the latest information.
Each webinar is a stand-alone presentation and will take approximately one hour. Each module will be delivered on 3 occasions thereby allowing participants to choose convenient times to attend.
Course outcomes
To enable NAPLAN Coordinators and Principals to be prepared for and train other staff in order to administer NAPLAN online assessment tests for 2025.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
- Leading teaching and learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Data, Systems and Insights (DSI), will present one-hour modules as webinars to assist NAPLAN Coordinators with the process of delivering NAPLAN online assessments in 2025. New NAPLAN Coordinators are encouraged to attend all sessions.
Topics covered in this program are:
- What’s new in the NAPLAN 2025 platform
- Test scheduling
- Information on student familiarisation
- Test disruptions, re-scheduling and catching up
The webinars will be differentiated into three modules
- Module A: Readiness for Testing/NAPLAN Coordinator ‘Must Do’ tasks
- Module B: Role of and Support for Test Administrators (i.e. teachers delivering test sessions)
- Module C: Drilling Down on Principal and NAPLAN Coordinator Roles/What’s New and Important in 2025
Returning NAPLAN Coordinators must attend at least Module C to receive the latest information.
Each webinar is a stand-alone presentation and will take approximately one hour. Each module will be delivered on 3 occasions thereby allowing participants to choose convenient times to attend.
Course outcomes
To enable NAPLAN Coordinators and Principals to be prepared for and train other staff in order to administer NAPLAN online assessment tests for 2025.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
- Leading teaching and learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Data, Systems and Insights (DSI), will present one-hour modules as webinars to assist NAPLAN Coordinators with the process of delivering NAPLAN online assessments in 2025. New NAPLAN Coordinators are encouraged to attend all sessions.
Topics covered in this program are:
- What’s new in the NAPLAN 2025 platform
- Test scheduling
- Information on student familiarisation
- Test disruptions, re-scheduling and catching up
The webinars will be differentiated into three modules
- Module A: Readiness for Testing/NAPLAN Coordinator ‘Must Do’ tasks
- Module B: Role of and Support for Test Administrators (i.e. teachers delivering test sessions)
- Module C: Drilling Down on Principal and NAPLAN Coordinator Roles/What’s New and Important in 2025
Returning NAPLAN Coordinators must attend at least Module C to receive the latest information.
Each webinar is a stand-alone presentation and will take approximately one hour. Each module will be delivered on 3 occasions thereby allowing participants to choose convenient times to attend.
Course outcomes
To enable NAPLAN Coordinators and Principals to be prepared for and train other staff in order to administer NAPLAN online assessment tests for 2025.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
- Leading teaching and learning
Family Partnership Model (FPM): Foundation Course
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course explores the Family Partnership Model (FPM), an innovative approach based upon an explicit model of the 'helping' process. The model demonstrates how specific 'helper' qualities and skills, when used in partnership, can enable parents and families to overcome their difficulties, build strengths and resilience and fulfil their goals more effectively.
In the FPM Foundation Course, you'll participate in activities to build your skills and explore all aspects of the model including:
- working with families to identify their needs
- building a genuine and respectful 'partnership'
- setting goals
- helping families achieve these goals.
The course uses an adult learning approach which values, recognises and builds on the experience that participants bring with them. During the course, you'll be encouraged to actively practice your skills in a supportive learning environment.
A number of research trials have demonstrated the positive benefits of the Family Partnership Model to:
- the developmental progress of children
- parent-child interaction
- the psychological functioning of parents, families and children.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in the processes of the evidence-based Family Partnership Model, including engaging and relating well to parents and effectively supporting them to achieve jointly identified outcomes.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Principal Capability Framework
- Communicates respectfully with students, teachers, families, community and other stakeholders
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Is courageous, resilient and adaptable
UFLI Foundations Training P-2
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
UFLI Foundations is an explicit and systematic phonics program that introduces students to the foundational reading skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence.
Developed by Dr. Holly Lane and Dr. Valentina Contesse of the University of Florida Literacy Institute and facilitated by DSF.
This full-day workshop will include:
- A review of essential background knowledge about the science of reading
- An overview of the UFLI Foundations program
- An in-depth exploration of each lesson step
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to do the following on completion of this professional learning:
- A review of essential background knowledge about the science of reading
- An overview of the UFLI Foundations program
- An in-depth exploration of each lesson step
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Leading Mathematics/Numeracy in Primary School
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
These face-to-face sessions aim to enhance mathematics teaching and learning across Tasmanian schools and to strengthen the leadership capacity of those in mathematics and numeracy roles or those aspiring to lead. The focus will be on delivering high-quality, evidence-based Tier 1 mathematics instruction aligned with DECYP’s Pedagogical Framework, the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (v9), and the Numeracy Toolkit from the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC).
Over the four days there will be opportunities to network with other leaders and connect with the DECYP Numeracy Team who will outline ongoing support for 2025.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (aligned to the Pedagogical Framework and Mathematics specific pedagogical practices).
- How to use the TLC resources to support differentiation and meeting diverse learner needs.
- The progression of key concepts in mathematical strands and connect new learning to prior learning.
- Monitoring student learning and identifying next steps.
- Leading Mathematics and numeracy initiatives in schools.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
From the start of 2025 DECYP will be supporting Word Origins: A Year 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program as the preferred spelling and word study program to be used in Tasmanian Government schools. This Professional Learning will deepen participant skills, understanding and capacity to deliver this program.
New online course available on 5th February - aimed at Teachers & School Leaders - via enrolment link above.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- the Word Origins Years 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program design
- morphological regularities of English, the etymology of our vocabulary, and the impact these elements have on spelling, reading, and word knowledge.
- Phonics and Word Knowledge Scope and Sequence (draft)
- the structure and delivery of detailed lesson plans including daily reviews
- the interpretation of assessment data
- use of program materials including manual and supporting online resources
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Data, Systems and Insights (DSI), will present one-hour modules as webinars to assist NAPLAN Coordinators with the process of delivering NAPLAN online assessments in 2025. New NAPLAN Coordinators are encouraged to attend all sessions.
Topics covered in this program are:
- What’s new in the NAPLAN 2025 platform
- Test scheduling
- Information on student familiarisation
- Test disruptions, re-scheduling and catching up
The webinars will be differentiated into three modules
- Module A: Readiness for Testing/NAPLAN Coordinator ‘Must Do’ tasks
- Module B: Role of and Support for Test Administrators (i.e. teachers delivering test sessions)
- Module C: Drilling Down on Principal and NAPLAN Coordinator Roles/What’s New and Important in 2025
Returning NAPLAN Coordinators must attend at least Module C to receive the latest information.
Each webinar is a stand-alone presentation and will take approximately one hour. Each module will be delivered on 3 occasions thereby allowing participants to choose convenient times to attend.
Course outcomes
To enable NAPLAN Coordinators and Principals to be prepared for and train other staff in order to administer NAPLAN online assessment tests for 2025.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
- Leading teaching and learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
From the start of 2025 DECYP will be supporting Word Origins: A Year 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program as the preferred spelling and word study program to be used in Tasmanian Government schools. This Professional Learning will deepen participant skills, understanding and capacity to deliver this program.
New online course available on 5th February - aimed at Teachers & School Leaders - via enrolment link above.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- the Word Origins Years 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program design
- morphological regularities of English, the etymology of our vocabulary, and the impact these elements have on spelling, reading, and word knowledge.
- Phonics and Word Knowledge Scope and Sequence (draft)
- the structure and delivery of detailed lesson plans including daily reviews
- the interpretation of assessment data
- use of program materials including manual and supporting online resources
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Leading Mathematics/Numeracy in Primary School
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
These face-to-face sessions aim to enhance mathematics teaching and learning across Tasmanian schools and to strengthen the leadership capacity of those in mathematics and numeracy roles or those aspiring to lead. The focus will be on delivering high-quality, evidence-based Tier 1 mathematics instruction aligned with DECYP’s Pedagogical Framework, the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (v9), and the Numeracy Toolkit from the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC).
Over the four days there will be opportunities to network with other leaders and connect with the DECYP Numeracy Team who will outline ongoing support for 2025.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (aligned to the Pedagogical Framework and Mathematics specific pedagogical practices).
- How to use the TLC resources to support differentiation and meeting diverse learner needs.
- The progression of key concepts in mathematical strands and connect new learning to prior learning.
- Monitoring student learning and identifying next steps.
- Leading Mathematics and numeracy initiatives in schools.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
UFLI Foundations Training P-2
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
UFLI Foundations is an explicit and systematic phonics program that introduces students to the foundational reading skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence.
Developed by Dr. Holly Lane and Dr. Valentina Contesse of the University of Florida Literacy Institute and facilitated by DSF.
This full-day workshop will include:
- A review of essential background knowledge about the science of reading
- An overview of the UFLI Foundations program
- An in-depth exploration of each lesson step
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to do the following on completion of this professional learning:
- A review of essential background knowledge about the science of reading
- An overview of the UFLI Foundations program
- An in-depth exploration of each lesson step
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Support Teacher Induction
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Together we will:
- unpack your roles and responsibilities as a Support Teacher
- meet the Inclusive Practice Team and understand more about their role
- look at the ins and outs of Learning Plans
- meet the Educational Adjustment Moderation Team to understand the Students with Disability and the Educational Adjustment Disability Funding process.
Course outcomes
Participants will:
- that Support Teachers are in-school champions for inclusive education
- the expectations for developing Learning Plans
- what you have support for you in your role
- the Support Teacher primary duties and responsibilities.
- the importance of encouraging inclusive schools where diversity is valued, and students’ strengths and needs are supported through responsive and targeted learning programs and resources
- become familiar with the Support teacher resources
- make connections with each other and your Inclusive Practice Coach
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
UFLI Foundations Training P-2
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
UFLI Foundations is an explicit and systematic phonics program that introduces students to the foundational reading skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence.
Developed by Dr. Holly Lane and Dr. Valentina Contesse of the University of Florida Literacy Institute and facilitated by DSF.
This full-day workshop will include:
- A review of essential background knowledge about the science of reading
- An overview of the UFLI Foundations program
- An in-depth exploration of each lesson step
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to do the following on completion of this professional learning:
- A review of essential background knowledge about the science of reading
- An overview of the UFLI Foundations program
- An in-depth exploration of each lesson step
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
From the start of 2025 DECYP will be supporting Word Origins: A Year 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program as the preferred spelling and word study program to be used in Tasmanian Government schools. This Professional Learning will deepen participant skills, understanding and capacity to deliver this program.
New online course available on 5th February - aimed at Teachers & School Leaders - via enrolment link above.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- the Word Origins Years 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program design
- morphological regularities of English, the etymology of our vocabulary, and the impact these elements have on spelling, reading, and word knowledge.
- Phonics and Word Knowledge Scope and Sequence (draft)
- the structure and delivery of detailed lesson plans including daily reviews
- the interpretation of assessment data
- use of program materials including manual and supporting online resources
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
1 x Introductory workshop and 4 x 1-hour weekly online group coaching sessions purposedly designed to energise, engage and empower participants. A short (3 to 5-minute) video and handout will also be provided each week.
Weekly topics include:
Week 1: The Power of Design
Week 2: Change is Possible
Week 3: Pressure and Release
Week 4: Nourishing You
The program will run twice in 2025 in Term 1 and Term 2, with dates as follows:
Term 1
20 Feb 2025
27 Feb 2025
04 Mar 2025
11 Mar 2025
20 Mar 2025
Term 2
12 May 2025
19 May 2025
26 May 2025
05 Jun 2025
12 Jun 2025
This course is limited to 25 participants only. Once the limit has been reached, participants will be waitlisted.
Course outcomes
Participants will have a thorough understanding of what enables them to feel, function and relate well, along with the unique barriers that hold them back.
Principal Capability Framework
- Develops and strengthens productive relationships, partnerships and networks
- Is responsible for own professional growth and wellbeing
Knowledge and Expertise
- Leads, models and engages in professional learning
Support Teacher Induction
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Together we will:
- unpack your roles and responsibilities as a Support Teacher
- meet the Inclusive Practice Team and understand more about their role
- look at the ins and outs of Learning Plans
- meet the Educational Adjustment Moderation Team to understand the Students with Disability and the Educational Adjustment Disability Funding process.
Course outcomes
Participants will:
- that Support Teachers are in-school champions for inclusive education
- the expectations for developing Learning Plans
- what you have support for you in your role
- the Support Teacher primary duties and responsibilities.
- the importance of encouraging inclusive schools where diversity is valued, and students’ strengths and needs are supported through responsive and targeted learning programs and resources
- become familiar with the Support teacher resources
- make connections with each other and your Inclusive Practice Coach
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Leading Mathematics/Numeracy in Primary School
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
These face-to-face sessions aim to enhance mathematics teaching and learning across Tasmanian schools and to strengthen the leadership capacity of those in mathematics and numeracy roles or those aspiring to lead. The focus will be on delivering high-quality, evidence-based Tier 1 mathematics instruction aligned with DECYP’s Pedagogical Framework, the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (v9), and the Numeracy Toolkit from the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC).
Over the four days there will be opportunities to network with other leaders and connect with the DECYP Numeracy Team who will outline ongoing support for 2025.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (aligned to the Pedagogical Framework and Mathematics specific pedagogical practices).
- How to use the TLC resources to support differentiation and meeting diverse learner needs.
- The progression of key concepts in mathematical strands and connect new learning to prior learning.
- Monitoring student learning and identifying next steps.
- Leading Mathematics and numeracy initiatives in schools.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
UFLI Foundations Training P-2
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
UFLI Foundations is an explicit and systematic phonics program that introduces students to the foundational reading skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence.
Developed by Dr. Holly Lane and Dr. Valentina Contesse of the University of Florida Literacy Institute and facilitated by DSF.
This full-day workshop will include:
- A review of essential background knowledge about the science of reading
- An overview of the UFLI Foundations program
- An in-depth exploration of each lesson step
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to do the following on completion of this professional learning:
- A review of essential background knowledge about the science of reading
- An overview of the UFLI Foundations program
- An in-depth exploration of each lesson step
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Support Teacher Induction
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Together we will:
- unpack your roles and responsibilities as a Support Teacher
- meet the Inclusive Practice Team and understand more about their role
- look at the ins and outs of Learning Plans
- meet the Educational Adjustment Moderation Team to understand the Students with Disability and the Educational Adjustment Disability Funding process.
Course outcomes
Participants will:
- that Support Teachers are in-school champions for inclusive education
- the expectations for developing Learning Plans
- what you have support for you in your role
- the Support Teacher primary duties and responsibilities.
- the importance of encouraging inclusive schools where diversity is valued, and students’ strengths and needs are supported through responsive and targeted learning programs and resources
- become familiar with the Support teacher resources
- make connections with each other and your Inclusive Practice Coach
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
From the start of 2025 DECYP will be supporting Word Origins: A Year 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program as the preferred spelling and word study program to be used in Tasmanian Government schools. This Professional Learning will deepen participant skills, understanding and capacity to deliver this program.
New online course available on 5th February - aimed at Teachers & School Leaders - via enrolment link above.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- the Word Origins Years 3-6 Spelling and Word Study Program design
- morphological regularities of English, the etymology of our vocabulary, and the impact these elements have on spelling, reading, and word knowledge.
- Phonics and Word Knowledge Scope and Sequence (draft)
- the structure and delivery of detailed lesson plans including daily reviews
- the interpretation of assessment data
- use of program materials including manual and supporting online resources
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Lifting Literacy – Spaced Learning with Emina McLean 2025 (Word Recognition)
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Schools are required to only select one Spaced Learning Session in 2025
Course description
While Qualiteach has been designed to build foundational knowledge, this Spaced Learning will focus on how schools can apply what they have learned into classroom practice.
Schools will have access to:
- Targeted support to plan for, teach and assess word recognition (includes phonics and phonemic awareness)
All staff members involved in literacy leadership at their school are invited to participate with a maximum of 4 participants per school. This should include the principal, and could include the assistant principal, AST, QTC and teachers.
Qualiteach Modules 1 to 4 must be completed before enrolment.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- Support their school to implement Quality Tier 1 instruction as part of structured literacy
- Use the resources and supports provided to support implementation of word recognition in their school
Australian Professional Standards
Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn
Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Leading teaching and learning
Developing self and others
Leading improvement, innovation and change
Lifting Literacy – Spaced Learning with Emina McLean 2025 (Fluency)
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Schools are required to only select one Spaced Learning Session in 2025
Course description
While Qualiteach has been designed to build foundational knowledge, this Spaced Learning will focus on how schools can apply what they have learned into classroom practice.
Schools will have access to:
- Targeted support to plan for, teach and monitor oral reading fluency (includes accuracy, rate and expression)
All staff members involved in literacy leadership at their school are invited to participate with a maximum of 4 participants per school. This should include the principal, and could include the assistant principal, AST, QTC and teachers.
Qualiteach Modules 1 to 4 must be completed before enrolment.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- Support their school to implement Quality Tier 1 instruction as part of structured literacy
- Use the resources and supports provided to support implementation of oral reading fluency in their school
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Leading teaching and learning
- Developing self and others
- Leading improvement, innovation and change
Lifting Literacy – Spaced Learning with Emina McLean 2025 (Word Recognition)
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Schools are required to only select one Spaced Learning Session in 2025
Course description
While Qualiteach has been designed to build foundational knowledge, this Spaced Learning will focus on how schools can apply what they have learned into classroom practice.
Schools will have access to:
- Targeted support to plan for, teach and assess word recognition (includes phonics and phonemic awareness)
All staff members involved in literacy leadership at their school are invited to participate with a maximum of 4 participants per school. This should include the principal, and could include the assistant principal, AST, QTC and teachers.
Qualiteach Modules 1 to 4 must be completed before enrolment.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- Support their school to implement Quality Tier 1 instruction as part of structured literacy
- Use the resources and supports provided to support implementation of word recognition in their school
Australian Professional Standards
Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn
Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Leading teaching and learning
Developing self and others
Leading improvement, innovation and change
Lifting Literacy – Spaced Learning with Emina McLean 2025 (Fluency)
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Schools are required to only select one Spaced Learning Session in 2025
Course description
While Qualiteach has been designed to build foundational knowledge, this Spaced Learning will focus on how schools can apply what they have learned into classroom practice.
Schools will have access to:
- Targeted support to plan for, teach and monitor oral reading fluency (includes accuracy, rate and expression)
All staff members involved in literacy leadership at their school are invited to participate with a maximum of 4 participants per school. This should include the principal, and could include the assistant principal, AST, QTC and teachers.
Qualiteach Modules 1 to 4 must be completed before enrolment.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- Support their school to implement Quality Tier 1 instruction as part of structured literacy
- Use the resources and supports provided to support implementation of oral reading fluency in their school
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Leading teaching and learning
- Developing self and others
- Leading improvement, innovation and change
BeTTR Hour: Professional Learning Series for Early Career Teachers
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Stay connected.
Stay informed.
Take charge of your professional journey.
BeTTR Hour is a series of one-hour online sessions, tailored to the needs of Early Career Teachers (ECT). The program focuses on the fundamentals of teaching and learning meaningful to ECTs, with opportunities to connect with subject matter experts within DECYP, as well as nationally and internationally acclaimed leaders in education.
BeTTR Hour is for ECTs in their first four years of practice. Held twice per term, participants can enrol in individual sessions, or the whole series.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will:
- Build confidence and knowledge in key focus areas that relate to teaching and learning for ECTs
- Deepen understanding of supports and resources available at DECYP
- Develop a professional learning network with other ECTs
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
March 2025
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Proportions and Probability
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face PL program will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve the teaching of fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates. Connections between these quantities will be highlighted and connections to probability will also be made.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
*Future PL days with the same program outcomes but different content focuses will also be offered throughout the year, i.e. Algebra (Term 1 Week 10), Statistics and Trigonometry (Term 2 Week 10), Measurement and Space (Term 3 Week 10).
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Kindergarten – Language and Literacy Workshops
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This series of workshops will support staff to use key DECYP resources and assessments as a framework for developmentally appropriate literacy practice for kindergarten.
Participants will bring along student data and observations and work together to design explicit and intentional learning experiences and reflect on how young children acquire early language and literacy skills.
Participants will have access to additional support throughout the year via online sessions and meetings as requested.
Course outcomes
Participants will:
- know and understand what resources and assessments are available through DECYP to support Kindergarten literacy teaching.
- be able to analyse GAPS results and provide additional support to identified students.
- be able to incorporate the DECYP Phonics Scope and Sequence and Grammar and Phonology Educator guide as a core part of their explicit teaching in literacy.
- be able to provide an intentional literacy teaching program that incorporates the Principles, Practices and Outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework Version 2.0.
Lifting Literacy – Spaced Learning with Emina McLean 2025 (Comprehension)
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Schools are required to only select one Spaced Learning Session in 2025
Course description
While Qualiteach has been designed to build foundational knowledge, this Spaced Learning will focus on how schools can apply what they have learned into classroom practice.
Schools will have access to:
- Targeted support to plan for, teach and assess comprehension (including vocabulary and oral language)
All staff members involved in literacy leadership at their school are invited to participate with a maximum of 4 participants per school. This should include the principal, and could include the assistant principal, AST, QTC and teachers.
Qualiteach Modules 1 to 4 must be completed before enrolment.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- Support their school to implement Quality Tier 1 instruction as part of structured literacy
- Use the resources and supports provided to support implementation of comprehension in their school
Australian Professional Standards
Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn
Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Leading teaching and learning
Developing self and others
Leading improvement, innovation and change
Early Career Teacher Workshops
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Early Career Teacher Workshops are a four-day course offered regionally, one session per term, to Early Career Teachers. Aligning to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, the course provides tools, strategies, and resources to support the transition from graduate teacher to proficient.
Early career teachers will be encouraged to become active participants in their profession, undertaking professional development and engaging with professional teaching networks, while also developing capacity to reflect on and evidence their practice.
The course explores the fundamentals of effective teaching and learning from professional practices, identity, orientation to wellbeing.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will be able to:
- Reflect on current practice using the Standards to move from the Graduate to Proficient career stages
- Reflect on and evidence their practice to understand their impact on student learning
- Develop their professional knowledge, practice and engagement
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Early Career Teacher Workshops
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Early Career Teacher Workshops are a four-day course offered regionally, one session per term, to Early Career Teachers. Aligning to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, the course provides tools, strategies, and resources to support the transition from graduate teacher to proficient.
Early career teachers will be encouraged to become active participants in their profession, undertaking professional development and engaging with professional teaching networks, while also developing capacity to reflect on and evidence their practice.
The course explores the fundamentals of effective teaching and learning from professional practices, identity, orientation to wellbeing.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will be able to:
- Reflect on current practice using the Standards to move from the Graduate to Proficient career stages
- Reflect on and evidence their practice to understand their impact on student learning
- Develop their professional knowledge, practice and engagement
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who have meal support plans.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Lifting Literacy – Spaced Learning with Emina McLean 2025 (Comprehension)
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Schools are required to only select one Spaced Learning Session in 2025
Course description
While Qualiteach has been designed to build foundational knowledge, this Spaced Learning will focus on how schools can apply what they have learned into classroom practice.
Schools will have access to:
- Targeted support to plan for, teach and assess comprehension (including vocabulary and oral language)
All staff members involved in literacy leadership at their school are invited to participate with a maximum of 4 participants per school. This should include the principal, and could include the assistant principal, AST, QTC and teachers.
Qualiteach Modules 1 to 4 must be completed before enrolment.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- Support their school to implement Quality Tier 1 instruction as part of structured literacy
- Use the resources and supports provided to support implementation of comprehension in their school
Australian Professional Standards
Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn
Standard 2 – Know content and how to teach it
Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Leading teaching and learning
Developing self and others
Leading improvement, innovation and change
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Kindergarten – Language and Literacy Workshops
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This series of workshops will support staff to use key DECYP resources and assessments as a framework for developmentally appropriate literacy practice for kindergarten.
Participants will bring along student data and observations and work together to design explicit and intentional learning experiences and reflect on how young children acquire early language and literacy skills.
Participants will have access to additional support throughout the year via online sessions and meetings as requested.
Course outcomes
Participants will:
- know and understand what resources and assessments are available through DECYP to support Kindergarten literacy teaching.
- be able to analyse GAPS results and provide additional support to identified students.
- be able to incorporate the DECYP Phonics Scope and Sequence and Grammar and Phonology Educator guide as a core part of their explicit teaching in literacy.
- be able to provide an intentional literacy teaching program that incorporates the Principles, Practices and Outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework Version 2.0.
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Proportions and Probability
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face PL program will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve the teaching of fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates. Connections between these quantities will be highlighted and connections to probability will also be made.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
*Future PL days with the same program outcomes but different content focuses will also be offered throughout the year, i.e. Algebra (Term 1 Week 10), Statistics and Trigonometry (Term 2 Week 10), Measurement and Space (Term 3 Week 10).
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Early Career Teacher Workshops
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Early Career Teacher Workshops are a four-day course offered regionally, one session per term, to Early Career Teachers. Aligning to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, the course provides tools, strategies, and resources to support the transition from graduate teacher to proficient.
Early career teachers will be encouraged to become active participants in their profession, undertaking professional development and engaging with professional teaching networks, while also developing capacity to reflect on and evidence their practice.
The course explores the fundamentals of effective teaching and learning from professional practices, identity, orientation to wellbeing.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will be able to:
- Reflect on current practice using the Standards to move from the Graduate to Proficient career stages
- Reflect on and evidence their practice to understand their impact on student learning
- Develop their professional knowledge, practice and engagement
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Proportions and Probability
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face PL program will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve the teaching of fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates. Connections between these quantities will be highlighted and connections to probability will also be made.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
*Future PL days with the same program outcomes but different content focuses will also be offered throughout the year, i.e. Algebra (Term 1 Week 10), Statistics and Trigonometry (Term 2 Week 10), Measurement and Space (Term 3 Week 10).
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course focuses on developing an understanding of ‘the why and how’ of effectively leading others, creating the team conditions for creativity, and innovative thinking and building personal leadership skills that support high-performing team practices.
These practices include:
- • effective communication skills
- • understanding and resolving conflict in the workplace
- • how to build skills in others
- • how to delegate and empower others
- • how to enact processes for working in teams.
Leading Teams is delivered as online sessions and self-directed online learning through the Canvas platform.
Scheduling is mindful of adequate screen breaks and a range of participants’ workplace contexts.
Course outcomes
By the end of this program participants will be able to demonstrate their growth in knowledge and skills and will:
- gain understanding of team dynamics
- gain understanding of leadership to build effective, high-performing teams
- enact leadership across the workplace
- build capacity in team members to lead in your local context
- gain knowledge and understanding of styles and attributes of leadership
- understand and utilise a range of team processes and protocols to support effective team practices.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course provides teachers and teacher assistants with an overview of working in a culturally safe and inclusive classroom; general language principles, helpful tips and strategies to use when working with EAL students.
Course outcomes
Participants will learn how to use their current knowledge, skills and understanding to adjust and differentiate their practice to cater for the needs of EAL students.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Working in Partnership with others: Working relationally with colleagues and parents
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This two-day course supports practitioners to gain a broad-brush understanding of the core concepts and skills considered to be necessary for building effective relationships with colleagues and parents.
Whilst this course is influenced by components of the Family Partnership Model (FPM), completing this two-day course does not equate to having completed FPM training.
Course outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the necessary steps involved in building effective working relationships with each other (colleagues) and parents.
- Consider what is involved in helping parents to develop the resources they need to improve their current/future situations.
- Develop an understanding of some process and concepts necessary to develop and/or practise the skills of engaging colleagues and parents.
- Provide a safe, reflective environment in which to explore, confirm and develop participants own understanding of effective partnership and implications for their practice.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Apprenticeship School Facilitator Professional Learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
The program focuses on roles and responsibilities concerning apprenticeships and traineeships, fostering a regional network for the exchange of best practices.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop their capacity to facilitate apprenticeships and traineeships for DECYP learners by developing or reinforcing quality practice in the following areas:
- Sharing best practice
- Student management and monitoring
- Working with RTOs
- Training plans
- Progress reports
- Tracking TCE points
- Student enrolments and cancellations
- Supporting learning
- Exemptions
Kindergarten – Language and Literacy Workshops
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This series of workshops will support staff to use key DECYP resources and assessments as a framework for developmentally appropriate literacy practice for kindergarten.
Participants will bring along student data and observations and work together to design explicit and intentional learning experiences and reflect on how young children acquire early language and literacy skills.
Participants will have access to additional support throughout the year via online sessions and meetings as requested.
Course outcomes
Participants will:
- know and understand what resources and assessments are available through DECYP to support Kindergarten literacy teaching.
- be able to analyse GAPS results and provide additional support to identified students.
- be able to incorporate the DECYP Phonics Scope and Sequence and Grammar and Phonology Educator guide as a core part of their explicit teaching in literacy.
- be able to provide an intentional literacy teaching program that incorporates the Principles, Practices and Outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework Version 2.0.
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Participants will learn about common behaviours and profiles associated with gifted learners. Many common misunderstandings about gifted learners will be investigated. Best practice principles for school leaders to establish optimal conditions for gifted students to thrive will be explored. Methods of identification and use of student data will be examined and linked to the creation of effective learning plans. High leverage teaching strategies linked to the Australian Curriculum and Department for Education, Children and Young People (DECYP) procedures will illustrate how exciting possibilities can be created to engage and challenge gifted learners. Demonstration of Gifted Online courses will be available. There will also be time to implement knowledge acquired during the day to design learning plans and inspiring learning opportunities for students. An awareness of possible community resources and networks will be established with ongoing access to research and professional learning materials.
Course outcomes
- Participants will improve their understanding of gifted learners across year levels.
- Learn how to recognise/identify and plan effectively for gifted students using the Australian Curriculum.
- Develop and understanding of student data through the use of school psychologist reports and data held on Edi and Case Management Platform.
- Evaluate the culture and programs available in their school with illustrations of best practice to improve the current status.
- Understand how to create learning plans linked directly to student data, parent information and student voice.
- Interpret current DECYP procedures and understand possibilities for highly gifted students.
- Develop and grow their awareness of DECYP and community resources for engaging gifted learners.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Apprenticeship School Facilitator Professional Learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
The program focuses on roles and responsibilities concerning apprenticeships and traineeships, fostering a regional network for the exchange of best practices.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop their capacity to facilitate apprenticeships and traineeships for DECYP learners by developing or reinforcing quality practice in the following areas:
- Sharing best practice
- Student management and monitoring
- Working with RTOs
- Training plans
- Progress reports
- Tracking TCE points
- Student enrolments and cancellations
- Supporting learning
- Exemptions
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Participants will learn about common behaviours and profiles associated with gifted learners. Many common misunderstandings about gifted learners will be investigated. Best practice principles for school leaders to establish optimal conditions for gifted students to thrive will be explored. Methods of identification and use of student data will be examined and linked to the creation of effective learning plans. High leverage teaching strategies linked to the Australian Curriculum and Department for Education, Children and Young People (DECYP) procedures will illustrate how exciting possibilities can be created to engage and challenge gifted learners. Demonstration of Gifted Online courses will be available. There will also be time to implement knowledge acquired during the day to design learning plans and inspiring learning opportunities for students. An awareness of possible community resources and networks will be established with ongoing access to research and professional learning materials.
Course outcomes
- Participants will improve their understanding of gifted learners across year levels.
- Learn how to recognise/identify and plan effectively for gifted students using the Australian Curriculum.
- Develop and understanding of student data through the use of school psychologist reports and data held on Edi and Case Management Platform.
- Evaluate the culture and programs available in their school with illustrations of best practice to improve the current status.
- Understand how to create learning plans linked directly to student data, parent information and student voice.
- Interpret current DECYP procedures and understand possibilities for highly gifted students.
- Develop and grow their awareness of DECYP and community resources for engaging gifted learners.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
BeTTR Hour: Professional Learning Series for Early Career Teachers
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Stay connected.
Stay informed.
Take charge of your professional journey.
BeTTR Hour is a series of one-hour online sessions, tailored to the needs of Early Career Teachers (ECT). The program focuses on the fundamentals of teaching and learning meaningful to ECTs, with opportunities to connect with subject matter experts within DECYP, as well as nationally and internationally acclaimed leaders in education.
BeTTR Hour is for ECTs in their first four years of practice. Held twice per term, participants can enrol in individual sessions, or the whole series.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will:
- Build confidence and knowledge in key focus areas that relate to teaching and learning for ECTs
- Deepen understanding of supports and resources available at DECYP
- Develop a professional learning network with other ECTs
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Apprenticeship School Facilitator Professional Learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
The program focuses on roles and responsibilities concerning apprenticeships and traineeships, fostering a regional network for the exchange of best practices.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop their capacity to facilitate apprenticeships and traineeships for DECYP learners by developing or reinforcing quality practice in the following areas:
- Sharing best practice
- Student management and monitoring
- Working with RTOs
- Training plans
- Progress reports
- Tracking TCE points
- Student enrolments and cancellations
- Supporting learning
- Exemptions
Kindergarten – Language and Literacy Workshops
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This series of workshops will support staff to use key DECYP resources and assessments as a framework for developmentally appropriate literacy practice for kindergarten.
Participants will bring along student data and observations and work together to design explicit and intentional learning experiences and reflect on how young children acquire early language and literacy skills.
Participants will have access to additional support throughout the year via online sessions and meetings as requested.
Course outcomes
Participants will:
- know and understand what resources and assessments are available through DECYP to support Kindergarten literacy teaching.
- be able to analyse GAPS results and provide additional support to identified students.
- be able to incorporate the DECYP Phonics Scope and Sequence and Grammar and Phonology Educator guide as a core part of their explicit teaching in literacy.
- be able to provide an intentional literacy teaching program that incorporates the Principles, Practices and Outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework Version 2.0.
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Participants will better understand the protocols and practical procedures associated with using an interpreter to ensure that students and their parents/carers receive essential information and allows dialogue between all those involved in students’ education and wellbeing.
Course outcomes
The course will cover DECYP policy requirements, when to use an interpreter, the role of an interpreter, how to use an interpreter, types of interpreters, assessing the need for an interpreter and planning when working with an interpreter.
April 2025
Strategies for supporting EAL students
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This session will equip teachers and teacher assistants with the skills and knowledge to make an EAL student’s transition into the classroom as comfortable as possible.
This program provides teachers and teacher assistants with an overview of:
- Working in a culturally safe and inclusive classroom
- Helpful tips and strategies to use when working with EAL students so student outcomes are maximised.
- How to access resources to support the EAL students at their school
- A tour of the EAL library
- Participants will learn how to use their current knowledge, skills and understanding to make adjustments and differentiate their teaching practice to cater for the needs of EAL students.
Course outcomes
Participants develop their understanding of:
- Language principles underpinning the learning of English as an additional language.
- Strategies for working with EAL students including newly arrived students
- How to set up a culturally safe and inclusive classroom.
- Equity, diversity, and the need for differentiated teaching and learning outcomes for EAL students.
- EAL Learning Plans and how to assess and report on EAL student progress.
- Teaching and learning practices that will support EAL students to engage fully and equitably in the mainstream curriculum.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Strategies for supporting EAL students
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This session will equip teachers and teacher assistants with the skills and knowledge to make an EAL student’s transition into the classroom as comfortable as possible.
This program provides teachers and teacher assistants with an overview of:
- Working in a culturally safe and inclusive classroom
- Helpful tips and strategies to use when working with EAL students so student outcomes are maximised.
- How to access resources to support the EAL students at their school
- A tour of the EAL library
- Participants will learn how to use their current knowledge, skills and understanding to make adjustments and differentiate their teaching practice to cater for the needs of EAL students.
Course outcomes
Participants develop their understanding of:
- Language principles underpinning the learning of English as an additional language.
- Strategies for working with EAL students including newly arrived students
- How to set up a culturally safe and inclusive classroom.
- Equity, diversity, and the need for differentiated teaching and learning outcomes for EAL students.
- EAL Learning Plans and how to assess and report on EAL student progress.
- Teaching and learning practices that will support EAL students to engage fully and equitably in the mainstream curriculum.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Strategies for supporting EAL students
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This session will equip teachers and teacher assistants with the skills and knowledge to make an EAL student’s transition into the classroom as comfortable as possible.
This program provides teachers and teacher assistants with an overview of:
- Working in a culturally safe and inclusive classroom
- Helpful tips and strategies to use when working with EAL students so student outcomes are maximised.
- How to access resources to support the EAL students at their school
- A tour of the EAL library
- Participants will learn how to use their current knowledge, skills and understanding to make adjustments and differentiate their teaching practice to cater for the needs of EAL students.
Course outcomes
Participants develop their understanding of:
- Language principles underpinning the learning of English as an additional language.
- Strategies for working with EAL students including newly arrived students
- How to set up a culturally safe and inclusive classroom.
- Equity, diversity, and the need for differentiated teaching and learning outcomes for EAL students.
- EAL Learning Plans and how to assess and report on EAL student progress.
- Teaching and learning practices that will support EAL students to engage fully and equitably in the mainstream curriculum.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Algebra
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face PL program will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve the teaching of algebra including the use of digital tools for some of the content.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
*Future PL days with the same program outcomes but different content focuses will also be offered throughout the year, i.e. Statistics and Trigonometry (Term 2 Week 10), Measurement and Space (Term 3 Week 10).
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Algebra
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face PL program will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve the teaching of algebra including the use of digital tools for some of the content.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
*Future PL days with the same program outcomes but different content focuses will also be offered throughout the year, i.e. Statistics and Trigonometry (Term 2 Week 10), Measurement and Space (Term 3 Week 10).
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Algebra
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face PL program will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve the teaching of algebra including the use of digital tools for some of the content.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
*Future PL days with the same program outcomes but different content focuses will also be offered throughout the year, i.e. Statistics and Trigonometry (Term 2 Week 10), Measurement and Space (Term 3 Week 10).
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Working in Partnership with others: Working relationally with colleagues and parents
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This two-day course supports practitioners to gain a broad-brush understanding of the core concepts and skills considered to be necessary for building effective relationships with colleagues and parents.
Whilst this course is influenced by components of the Family Partnership Model (FPM), completing this two-day course does not equate to having completed FPM training.
Course outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the necessary steps involved in building effective working relationships with each other (colleagues) and parents.
- Consider what is involved in helping parents to develop the resources they need to improve their current/future situations.
- Develop an understanding of some process and concepts necessary to develop and/or practise the skills of engaging colleagues and parents.
- Provide a safe, reflective environment in which to explore, confirm and develop participants own understanding of effective partnership and implications for their practice.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Understanding AEDC Community and School Profiles
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This professional learning on the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) data will guide you on how to interpret and understand AEDC Community and School profiles. This session will offer valuable insights into the development and wellbeing of children from the 2024 AEDC collection. Your participation will help your school identify the strengths and vulnerabilities of children in your community to help with curriculum development and planning.
Course outcomes
Teachers/educators will gain the ability to interpret and understand AEDC data from school and community profiles effectively.
Teachers/educators will learn how to use AEDC data to inform their teaching practices and approaches.
Understanding AEDC data will help teachers/educators engage effectively with community members.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Thinks, plans and acts strategically
- Promotes high expectations and a feedback culture focussed on continuous learning and improvement
Knowledge and Expertise
- Maximises connections between the school, community, system and global contexts
May 2025
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This program is for staff who support students who have meal support plans. The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who are at risk of choking.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will be able to identify when a student is aspirating or choking. Staff will learn what to do in a situation when a student may be aspirating or choking.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to shared values, professional integrity and ethical conduct
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Knowledge and Expertise
- Leads, models and engages in professional learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who have meal support plans.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course focuses on developing an understanding of ‘the why and how’ of effectively leading others, creating the team conditions for creativity, and innovative thinking and building personal leadership skills that support high-performing team practices.
These practices include:
- • effective communication skills
- • understanding and resolving conflict in the workplace
- • how to build skills in others
- • how to delegate and empower others
- • how to enact processes for working in teams.
Leading Teams is delivered as online sessions and self-directed online learning through the Canvas platform.
Scheduling is mindful of adequate screen breaks and a range of participants’ workplace contexts.
Course outcomes
By the end of this program participants will be able to demonstrate their growth in knowledge and skills and will:
- gain understanding of team dynamics
- gain understanding of leadership to build effective, high-performing teams
- enact leadership across the workplace
- build capacity in team members to lead in your local context
- gain knowledge and understanding of styles and attributes of leadership
- understand and utilise a range of team processes and protocols to support effective team practices.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Aspiring School Business Managers Program
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
The Aspiring School Business Managers Program provides participants with job-ready knowledge and skills to undertake a School Business Manager (SBM) role. The course introduces participants to key elements of leadership and management, basic department finance and budget processes and platforms used in school settings and provides school-based experiences for participants to observe the daily-relational demands of the SBM. A strengths-based personal survey contributes to understanding self and others in the context of how to lead and manage others in the workplace.
This program includes 3 short online sessions (2 hours each), up to 4 half-days shadowing an experienced SBM on the job, and one final full-day workshop which is face-to-face.
Course outcomes
By the end of this program participants will be able to demonstrate their growth in knowledge and skills and will:
- Gain understanding of self and others (Relationship Awareness Theory)
- Understand that effective business managers are both leaders and managers
- Understand the complexity and diversity of the SBM's role
- Know how to create and maintain work conditions for self and others using relationship awareness theory approaches
- Know how to enact leadership and management attributes to build teams, set direction, achieve goals and respond to change initiatives
- Know how to perform a range of SBM-specific tasks.
Understanding AEDC Community and School Profiles
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This professional learning on the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) data will guide you on how to interpret and understand AEDC Community and School profiles. This session will offer valuable insights into the development and wellbeing of children from the 2024 AEDC collection. Your participation will help your school identify the strengths and vulnerabilities of children in your community to help with curriculum development and planning.
Course outcomes
Teachers/educators will gain the ability to interpret and understand AEDC data from school and community profiles effectively.
Teachers/educators will learn how to use AEDC data to inform their teaching practices and approaches.
Understanding AEDC data will help teachers/educators engage effectively with community members.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Thinks, plans and acts strategically
- Promotes high expectations and a feedback culture focussed on continuous learning and improvement
Knowledge and Expertise
- Maximises connections between the school, community, system and global contexts
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
1 x Introductory workshop and 4 x 1-hour weekly online group coaching sessions purposedly designed to energise, engage and empower participants. A short (3 to 5-minute) video and handout will also be provided each week.
Weekly topics include:
Week 1: The Power of Design
Week 2: Change is Possible
Week 3: Pressure and Release
Week 4: Nourishing You
The program will run twice in 2025 in Term 1 and Term 2, with dates as follows:
Term 1
20 Feb 2025
27 Feb 2025
04 Mar 2025
11 Mar 2025
20 Mar 2025
Term 2
12 May 2025
19 May 2025
26 May 2025
05 Jun 2025
12 Jun 2025
This course is limited to 25 participants only. Once the limit has been reached, participants will be waitlisted.
Course outcomes
Participants will have a thorough understanding of what enables them to feel, function and relate well, along with the unique barriers that hold them back.
Principal Capability Framework
- Develops and strengthens productive relationships, partnerships and networks
- Is responsible for own professional growth and wellbeing
Knowledge and Expertise
- Leads, models and engages in professional learning
Understanding AEDC Community and School Profiles
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This professional learning on the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) data will guide you on how to interpret and understand AEDC Community and School profiles. This session will offer valuable insights into the development and wellbeing of children from the 2024 AEDC collection. Your participation will help your school identify the strengths and vulnerabilities of children in your community to help with curriculum development and planning.
Course outcomes
Teachers/educators will gain the ability to interpret and understand AEDC data from school and community profiles effectively.
Teachers/educators will learn how to use AEDC data to inform their teaching practices and approaches.
Understanding AEDC data will help teachers/educators engage effectively with community members.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Thinks, plans and acts strategically
- Promotes high expectations and a feedback culture focussed on continuous learning and improvement
Knowledge and Expertise
- Maximises connections between the school, community, system and global contexts
BeTTR Hour: Professional Learning Series for Early Career Teachers
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Stay connected.
Stay informed.
Take charge of your professional journey.
BeTTR Hour is a series of one-hour online sessions, tailored to the needs of Early Career Teachers (ECT). The program focuses on the fundamentals of teaching and learning meaningful to ECTs, with opportunities to connect with subject matter experts within DECYP, as well as nationally and internationally acclaimed leaders in education.
BeTTR Hour is for ECTs in their first four years of practice. Held twice per term, participants can enrol in individual sessions, or the whole series.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will:
- Build confidence and knowledge in key focus areas that relate to teaching and learning for ECTs
- Deepen understanding of supports and resources available at DECYP
- Develop a professional learning network with other ECTs
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Understanding AEDC Community and School Profiles
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This professional learning on the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) data will guide you on how to interpret and understand AEDC Community and School profiles. This session will offer valuable insights into the development and wellbeing of children from the 2024 AEDC collection. Your participation will help your school identify the strengths and vulnerabilities of children in your community to help with curriculum development and planning.
Course outcomes
Teachers/educators will gain the ability to interpret and understand AEDC data from school and community profiles effectively.
Teachers/educators will learn how to use AEDC data to inform their teaching practices and approaches.
Understanding AEDC data will help teachers/educators engage effectively with community members.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Thinks, plans and acts strategically
- Promotes high expectations and a feedback culture focussed on continuous learning and improvement
Knowledge and Expertise
- Maximises connections between the school, community, system and global contexts
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
June 2025
Leadership Starts from Within
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Leadership Starts from Within is designed to: build leadership knowledge and capability of people in the workplace, enable understanding and practice of contemporary leadership skills, allow participants to develop an understanding of ‘self as leader’ particularly through the lens of emotional intelligences, and to provide opportunity to enact effective leadership in the workplace.
Participants develop strength-based approaches to building leadership capabilities by undertaking, analysing and utilising a 360 Degree Feedback Survey.
Target audience includes aspiring leaders and those in leadership positions:
- Teachers with a minimum of five years practice and full teacher registration (or evidence of working towards full registration).
- If you are in the non-teaching sector/business unit, you have had an opportunity to undertake a leadership role in the workplace. This opportunity may be/has been in an acting, short-term, project-based or fulltime capacity.
- You have the opportunity to lead and/or influence improvement in the workplace.
- Your involvement is supported by your supervisor or principal.
This program connects to a qualification pathway. It is one unit of four units required to attain the Graduate Certificate in Education (Leadership) with UTAS. This program is 50% completion of the post graduate unit (EDP711 Leadership Starts from Within) leaving a balance of 50% which requires only one 2500-word reflective essay based on the program learnings.
Course outcomes
By the end of this program participants will be able to demonstrate their growth in leadership knowledge and skills:
- gain understanding of self and self as a leader
- understand why and how personal beliefs and values underpin and influence a personal leadership platform
- gain knowledge and understanding of styles and attributes of leadership
- know how to plan for and reflect on their interactions with colleagues in ways that empower themselves and others
- gain knowledge about leadership for change environments
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Principal Capability Framework
- Acts upon critical self-reflection and feedback from others
- Is committed to shared values, professional integrity and ethical conduct
- Is courageous, resilient and adaptable
- Is responsible for own professional growth and wellbeing
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Knowledge and Expertise
- Builds leadership capabilities in others and identifies aspiring leaders
Leadership Starts from Within
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
Leadership Starts from Within is designed to: build leadership knowledge and capability of people in the workplace, enable understanding and practice of contemporary leadership skills, allow participants to develop an understanding of ‘self as leader’ particularly through the lens of emotional intelligences, and to provide opportunity to enact effective leadership in the workplace.
Participants develop strength-based approaches to building leadership capabilities by undertaking, analysing and utilising a 360 Degree Feedback Survey.
Target audience includes aspiring leaders and those in leadership positions:
- Teachers with a minimum of five years practice and full teacher registration (or evidence of working towards full registration).
- If you are in the non-teaching sector/business unit, you have had an opportunity to undertake a leadership role in the workplace. This opportunity may be/has been in an acting, short-term, project-based or fulltime capacity.
- You have the opportunity to lead and/or influence improvement in the workplace.
- Your involvement is supported by your supervisor or principal.
This program connects to a qualification pathway. It is one unit of four units required to attain the Graduate Certificate in Education (Leadership) with UTAS. This program is 50% completion of the post graduate unit (EDP711 Leadership Starts from Within) leaving a balance of 50% which requires only one 2500-word reflective essay based on the program learnings.
Course outcomes
By the end of this program participants will be able to demonstrate their growth in leadership knowledge and skills:
- gain understanding of self and self as a leader
- understand why and how personal beliefs and values underpin and influence a personal leadership platform
- gain knowledge and understanding of styles and attributes of leadership
- know how to plan for and reflect on their interactions with colleagues in ways that empower themselves and others
- gain knowledge about leadership for change environments
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Principal Capability Framework
- Acts upon critical self-reflection and feedback from others
- Is committed to shared values, professional integrity and ethical conduct
- Is courageous, resilient and adaptable
- Is responsible for own professional growth and wellbeing
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Knowledge and Expertise
- Builds leadership capabilities in others and identifies aspiring leaders
BeTTR Hour: Professional Learning Series for Early Career Teachers
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Stay connected.
Stay informed.
Take charge of your professional journey.
BeTTR Hour is a series of one-hour online sessions, tailored to the needs of Early Career Teachers (ECT). The program focuses on the fundamentals of teaching and learning meaningful to ECTs, with opportunities to connect with subject matter experts within DECYP, as well as nationally and internationally acclaimed leaders in education.
BeTTR Hour is for ECTs in their first four years of practice. Held twice per term, participants can enrol in individual sessions, or the whole series.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will:
- Build confidence and knowledge in key focus areas that relate to teaching and learning for ECTs
- Deepen understanding of supports and resources available at DECYP
- Develop a professional learning network with other ECTs
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Statistics and Trigonometry
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face course will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve teaching of statistics and trigonometry. The use of digital tools for organising and summarising real-world data will be explored so that students learn to manage data more efficiently. A first principles approach which supports students in gaining conceptual understanding of the trigonometric ratios will also be modelled.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
A future PL day with the same program outcomes but a content focus of Measurement and Space will be offered in Term 3 Week 10.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
July 2025
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Statistics and Trigonometry
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face course will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve teaching of statistics and trigonometry. The use of digital tools for organising and summarising real-world data will be explored so that students learn to manage data more efficiently. A first principles approach which supports students in gaining conceptual understanding of the trigonometric ratios will also be modelled.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
A future PL day with the same program outcomes but a content focus of Measurement and Space will be offered in Term 3 Week 10.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Statistics and Trigonometry
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face course will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve teaching of statistics and trigonometry. The use of digital tools for organising and summarising real-world data will be explored so that students learn to manage data more efficiently. A first principles approach which supports students in gaining conceptual understanding of the trigonometric ratios will also be modelled.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
A future PL day with the same program outcomes but a content focus of Measurement and Space will be offered in Term 3 Week 10.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This program is for staff who support students who have meal support plans. The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who are at risk of choking.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will be able to identify when a student is aspirating or choking. Staff will learn what to do in a situation when a student may be aspirating or choking.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to shared values, professional integrity and ethical conduct
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Knowledge and Expertise
- Leads, models and engages in professional learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who have meal support plans.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Family Partnership Model (FPM): Foundation Course
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course explores the Family Partnership Model (FPM), an innovative approach based upon an explicit model of the 'helping' process. The model demonstrates how specific 'helper' qualities and skills, when used in partnership, can enable parents and families to overcome their difficulties, build strengths and resilience and fulfil their goals more effectively.
In the FPM Foundation Course, you'll participate in activities to build your skills and explore all aspects of the model including:
- working with families to identify their needs
- building a genuine and respectful 'partnership'
- setting goals
- helping families achieve these goals.
The course uses an adult learning approach which values, recognises and builds on the experience that participants bring with them. During the course, you'll be encouraged to actively practice your skills in a supportive learning environment.
A number of research trials have demonstrated the positive benefits of the Family Partnership Model to:
- the developmental progress of children
- parent-child interaction
- the psychological functioning of parents, families and children.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in the processes of the evidence-based Family Partnership Model, including engaging and relating well to parents and effectively supporting them to achieve jointly identified outcomes.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Principal Capability Framework
- Communicates respectfully with students, teachers, families, community and other stakeholders
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Is courageous, resilient and adaptable
August 2025
Family Partnership Model (FPM): Foundation Course
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course explores the Family Partnership Model (FPM), an innovative approach based upon an explicit model of the 'helping' process. The model demonstrates how specific 'helper' qualities and skills, when used in partnership, can enable parents and families to overcome their difficulties, build strengths and resilience and fulfil their goals more effectively.
In the FPM Foundation Course, you'll participate in activities to build your skills and explore all aspects of the model including:
- working with families to identify their needs
- building a genuine and respectful 'partnership'
- setting goals
- helping families achieve these goals.
The course uses an adult learning approach which values, recognises and builds on the experience that participants bring with them. During the course, you'll be encouraged to actively practice your skills in a supportive learning environment.
A number of research trials have demonstrated the positive benefits of the Family Partnership Model to:
- the developmental progress of children
- parent-child interaction
- the psychological functioning of parents, families and children.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in the processes of the evidence-based Family Partnership Model, including engaging and relating well to parents and effectively supporting them to achieve jointly identified outcomes.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Principal Capability Framework
- Communicates respectfully with students, teachers, families, community and other stakeholders
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Is courageous, resilient and adaptable
BeTTR Hour: Professional Learning Series for Early Career Teachers
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Stay connected.
Stay informed.
Take charge of your professional journey.
BeTTR Hour is a series of one-hour online sessions, tailored to the needs of Early Career Teachers (ECT). The program focuses on the fundamentals of teaching and learning meaningful to ECTs, with opportunities to connect with subject matter experts within DECYP, as well as nationally and internationally acclaimed leaders in education.
BeTTR Hour is for ECTs in their first four years of practice. Held twice per term, participants can enrol in individual sessions, or the whole series.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will:
- Build confidence and knowledge in key focus areas that relate to teaching and learning for ECTs
- Deepen understanding of supports and resources available at DECYP
- Develop a professional learning network with other ECTs
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
September 2025
Working in Partnership with others: Working relationally with colleagues and parents
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This two-day course supports practitioners to gain a broad-brush understanding of the core concepts and skills considered to be necessary for building effective relationships with colleagues and parents.
Whilst this course is influenced by components of the Family Partnership Model (FPM), completing this two-day course does not equate to having completed FPM training.
Course outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the necessary steps involved in building effective working relationships with each other (colleagues) and parents.
- Consider what is involved in helping parents to develop the resources they need to improve their current/future situations.
- Develop an understanding of some process and concepts necessary to develop and/or practise the skills of engaging colleagues and parents.
- Provide a safe, reflective environment in which to explore, confirm and develop participants own understanding of effective partnership and implications for their practice.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
BeTTR Hour: Professional Learning Series for Early Career Teachers
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Stay connected.
Stay informed.
Take charge of your professional journey.
BeTTR Hour is a series of one-hour online sessions, tailored to the needs of Early Career Teachers (ECT). The program focuses on the fundamentals of teaching and learning meaningful to ECTs, with opportunities to connect with subject matter experts within DECYP, as well as nationally and internationally acclaimed leaders in education.
BeTTR Hour is for ECTs in their first four years of practice. Held twice per term, participants can enrol in individual sessions, or the whole series.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will:
- Build confidence and knowledge in key focus areas that relate to teaching and learning for ECTs
- Deepen understanding of supports and resources available at DECYP
- Develop a professional learning network with other ECTs
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Measurement and Space
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face PL course will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve teaching of measurement and space. The use of concrete materials, pictorial representations, and digital tools will be modelled. Connections to algebra will also be made.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Measurement and Space
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face PL course will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve teaching of measurement and space. The use of concrete materials, pictorial representations, and digital tools will be modelled. Connections to algebra will also be made.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Mathematics/Numeracy: Secondary – Measurement and Space
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This one-day face-to-face PL course will prepare teachers for upcoming content on curriculum maps by focusing on how to improve teaching of measurement and space. The use of concrete materials, pictorial representations, and digital tools will be modelled. Connections to algebra will also be made.
Course outcomes
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of:
- How to use the progression of key concepts when planning for learning and how to connect new learning to prior learning.
- Evidence-based Tier 1 instruction in Mathematics/Numeracy (using the Pedagogical Framework and teaching strategies which are relevant for specific mathematical concepts).
- Monitoring student learning and planning next steps using conceptual development guides and ASGs.
- How to use the resources on the TLC (including sample mathematics tasks) to support differentiation and meet the needs of learners.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
October 2025
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This program is for staff who support students who have meal support plans. The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who are at risk of choking.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will be able to identify when a student is aspirating or choking. Staff will learn what to do in a situation when a student may be aspirating or choking.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to shared values, professional integrity and ethical conduct
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Knowledge and Expertise
- Leads, models and engages in professional learning
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
This course is for staff who support students who have meal support plans.
The course is a face-to-face workshop and includes practical components.
Course outcomes
Staff will learn about the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) classification system. Staff will learn how to ensure that a student's food and drink complies with their Meal Management Plan. Staff will learn how to identify when to seek Speech Pathology assistance.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Principal Capability Framework
- Thinks analytically to source and process information and data
- Shapes an inclusive culture that fosters mutual respect, agency and accountability
- Creates a safe and secure environment for students and staff
- Is committed to an ethic of care
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
All schools must have a representative attend the Support Teacher Forums.
These forums offer professional learning to equip Support Teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their primary duties.
In addition, the forums serve as a platform for sharing system-wide updates and information about supporting students with disabilities.
Participants will gain access to a variety of resources, including tools, templates, guest speakers, expert consultations.
Course outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- The importance of educational adjustments and inclusive teaching practices.
- How quality differentiation supports diverse learners.
- Key elements of documenting learning programs in personalised learning plans.
- Strategies to elevate school-wide policies and practices to better support students with disabilities.
- The connection between inclusive practices and improved student outcomes.
- How to align teaching approaches with whole-school practices to foster inclusion.
- Reflect on their current practices to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Collaborate with colleagues to refine or create strategies for teaching diverse learners.
- Implement effective practices that support optimal learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
November 2025
The Family Partnership Model (FPM) Supervision Course
Enrol by
Starts on
Learning Focus
About this course
Course description
The Family Partnership Model emphasises the need for highly skilled professional communication and structured goal-orientated support for families. It also assumes that a respectful partnership between the Family Partnership Model practitioner and those who support their reflective practice is a powerful restorative support, and the means by which reflective practice can be most successfully reviewed and facilitated.
A partnership relationship provides a base for the Family Partnership Model practitioner to explore difficulties they face, to clarify these and to develop the most helpful and effective strategies. Guiding a practitioner through reflective practice is a form of supervision.
Supervision is ‘a quintessential interpersonal interaction with the general goal that one person, the supervisor, meets with another, the supervisee, in an effort to make the latter more effective in helping people’ (Hess, 1980:25).
The Family Partnership Model Supervision Course prepares you to facilitate reflective supervision for practitioners who apply the Family Partnership Model in their work.
We'll ask you to embark on a journey of change through self-reflection, experiential learning and knowledge acquisition. This will enhance and develop your knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective supervision. The course is tiring and challenging. We suggest giving yourself an hour or so of quiet relaxation after each day.
Course outcomes
This course equips participants with an understanding of the functions, processes and skills required to provide supervision (individual and groups) to practitioners in the style of the Family Partnership Model (Davis & Day, 2010; Day, Ellis & Harris, 2015). It encourages participants to reflect on their own experiences and learn to deal effectively with new supervisory situations, and to find new ways of managing familiar challenges (White, 2002:11).
Participants will:
- Enhance and develop knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective supervision.
- Facilitate reflective supervision for practitioners who apply the Family Partnership Model in their work.
- Support practitioners to explore difficulties they face, to clarify these and to develop the most helpful and effective strategies.
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Principal Capability Framework
- Acts upon critical self-reflection and feedback from others
- Supervises and supports others in their daily practice
- Is courageous, resilient and adaptable
- Is responsible for own professional growth and wellbeing
Knowledge and Expertise
- Leads, models and engages in professional learning
BeTTR Hour: Professional Learning Series for Early Career Teachers
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Stay connected.
Stay informed.
Take charge of your professional journey.
BeTTR Hour is a series of one-hour online sessions, tailored to the needs of Early Career Teachers (ECT). The program focuses on the fundamentals of teaching and learning meaningful to ECTs, with opportunities to connect with subject matter experts within DECYP, as well as nationally and internationally acclaimed leaders in education.
BeTTR Hour is for ECTs in their first four years of practice. Held twice per term, participants can enrol in individual sessions, or the whole series.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will:
- Build confidence and knowledge in key focus areas that relate to teaching and learning for ECTs
- Deepen understanding of supports and resources available at DECYP
- Develop a professional learning network with other ECTs
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
December 2025
BeTTR Hour: Professional Learning Series for Early Career Teachers
Enrol by
Starts on
About this course
Course description
Stay connected.
Stay informed.
Take charge of your professional journey.
BeTTR Hour is a series of one-hour online sessions, tailored to the needs of Early Career Teachers (ECT). The program focuses on the fundamentals of teaching and learning meaningful to ECTs, with opportunities to connect with subject matter experts within DECYP, as well as nationally and internationally acclaimed leaders in education.
BeTTR Hour is for ECTs in their first four years of practice. Held twice per term, participants can enrol in individual sessions, or the whole series.
Course outcomes
Participants in this program will:
- Build confidence and knowledge in key focus areas that relate to teaching and learning for ECTs
- Deepen understanding of supports and resources available at DECYP
- Develop a professional learning network with other ECTs
Australian Professional Standards
- Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
- Standard 2 - Know content and how to teach it
- Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
- Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community