- Last updated: November 2023.
We update this page each year with free bushfire, smoke and heatwaves resources for safety and wellbeing of our learning communities.
Current situation
Current site closures are always listed on our alerts page.
Current fires and fire forecasts

TasALERT provides information on all current incidents in Tasmania, including bushfires
Current road closures
Smoke and air quality
- Planned Burns – Location | TFS
- Air quality | Tasmanian Department of Health
- Current Public Health Alerts | Dept. of Health
Our bushfire and heatwave actions
Did you know?
- Bushfire is rated as Tasmania’s No. 1 natural hazard (PDF, 1.4MB), with large fires in 2013, 2016, and 2019.
- Our role is to support bushfire and heatwave safety by sharing information and taking advice from lead agencies.
Our approach
- We share advice from the lead agencies to keep our people safe from bushfires or heatwaves
- We do this before, during and after bushfires and heatwaves
- We will make changes if we need to so people who come to our sites can be safe from bushfires or heatwaves.
DECYP community info sheet – Our bushfire and heatwave arrangements
Staff information is available from our intranet (staff access only)
For students, families and library clients
Getting ready for bushfires or heatwaves
- Bushfire Ready Neighbourhoods | TFS
- Bushfire Survival Plan templates and guides | TFS
- Family emergency planning and tools | Red Cross
- Get Ready – TasALERT
During bushfires and heatwaves
- Current Bushfire | TFS
- Fire Danger Rating Forecasts | TFS
- Radio Channels | ABC
- What do Fire Danger Ratings mean | TFS
After bushfires – looking after children & yourselves
- Helplines and Support Groups | Beyond Blue
- Natural Disasters and Mental Health | Beyond Blue
- Trauma Toolkit for Parents and Caregivers | Emerging Minds – Resources to support children after emergencies
- Wellbeing Action Tool | Beyond Blue
- Helping you to recover from an emergency | TasALERT including:
- health and wellbeing (trauma impacts)
- returning home after bushfires
- animal welfare
- legal matters
- insurance
- emergency family help
For early childhood service managers